Sunday, May 18, 2014

The Left's 'White Privilege' Attack: 'An Attempt to Shut Down Argument...'

I looked for this clip earlier, but found it at the left-wing racist sites Crooks and Liars and Raw Story.

But it's up now at Independent Journal Review, "‘Fantastic!’: Watch This Army Colonel’s Takedown of ‘White Privilege’ Leave Fox Anchor Speechless."

“All of us have worked, all of us have achieved something. That is how we measure character, that’s how we measure what the value of a person is, not some arbitrary category imposed by some ponytailed grad students who have taken too many gender study seminars.”
PREVIOUSLY: "Harvard's Kennedy School Adds 'Checking Your Privilege 101' to New Student Orientation," and "Stephanie M. Baran: 'White Privilege' Speaker Pushes #Marxism to Defeat Racism in America."

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