Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Tillis Wins, Boosts Prospects for GOP Senate Control

From Fred Barnes, at the Weekly Standard, "Tillis Wins, Boosts GOP's 2014 Hopes."

Avoiding a runoff election, Tillis is well position for a formidable run against the incumbent Kay Hagan, and it turns out he was backed by the Republican establishment, especially Karl Rove. According to Barnes:

With unprecedented help from outside groups—American Crossroads, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the National Rifle Association—Tillis got 45 percent of the vote, defeating two major challengers and averting a potentially destructive runoff election.

Tea Party favorite Greg Brannon trailed with 27 percent of the vote. Charlotte preacher Mark Harris came in third with 18 percent, but his appealing style suggested he will be a major player in Republican politics. Kentucky senator Rand Paul came to North Carolina on Monday to campaign for Brannon. Given the outcome, that may have been a political mistake.  Harris was backed by Mike Huckabee, the former Republican presidential candidate.

But the support of Republican groups proved to be crucial.  American Crossroads ran three separate ads touting Tillis.  And rather than vote for Brannon, a doctor, many Tea Party activists appear to have voted for Tillis.

A key loser was Senate majority leader Harry Reid.  His political action committee broadcast ads in the primary attacking Tillis, hoping one of the lesser candidates would be easier for Hagan to beat. The ads by the Democratic leader appeared to have little or no impact.
And the Dems are desperate alright, like I reported earlier, "Politics of Desperation: #Democrats Out of the Gate Trashing Kay Hagen Opponent Thom Tillis."

A lot of folks are playing up the establishment/tea party split, but Tillis sounds pretty conservative to me, and he's damn well positioned to take out Hagan. So let it rip, I say.

More at Hot Air, "Palin: Stop gloating over last night’s primaries, establishment Republicans."

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