Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Brigitte Gabriel Destroys 'Moderate' Muslim Saba Ahmed at Heritage Benghazi Accountability Panel

I saw Dana Milbank's column last night, "Heritage's ugly Benghazi panel." What a complete smear. I didn't even need to see the video before calling the dude out as a complete hack.

So now this Heritage panel has blown out into a major partisan battle over what, "Islamphobia"? Or conservative "anti-Muslim hatred"? Who knows with the idiot progressive? Clearly, Brigitte Gabriel nails the point so hard that PC tool Milbank had to smear her and the entire Heritage event as racist or something. But you can see the exchange for yourself at clip, as well as the fierce push back on the right below.

Here's Pat Dollard, "WATCH, MUST-SEE: The Awesome Brigitte Gabriel Destroys ‘Moderate’ Muslim…Receives Standing Ovation During Benghazi Panel."

And here's "moderate" Saba Ahmed shown holding a microphone at the back of the conference room. She looks Jumanah Imad Albahri and probably would be "for it" if Hezbollah was able to round up all the world's Jews for extermination. (Indeed Ahmed's background is described as "weird" with "ties to convicted a terrorist.")

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More from Noah Rothman, at Hot Air, "Dana Milbank’s take on Heritage’s ‘ugly’ Benghazi panel is utterly dishonest." And Mollie Hemingway, at the Federalist, "Friends Don’t Let Friends Read Dana Milbank."

Also from Erick Erickson, "What Dana Milbank Does Not Tell You."

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