Friday, June 6, 2014

'Think Progress' Blames #Berghahl Desertion on Army's Failed Efforts to Treat 'Combat Stress and PTSD'

I guess there's just not enough social justice in the U.S. Army.

Seriously, for the traitor-loving left, it's never about personal responsibility. Never about about consequences. If an American soldier attacks his own deployment, declares he's ashamed to be an American, and disses the U.S. mission in Afghanistan as "revolting" and "self-righteous arrogance," the only explanation is that the Army failed to "understand why a soldier with a history of going AWOL was allowed to stay in the fight without adequate intervention."

Reason number kajillion why I'm not a leftist. At Weasel Zippers, "Soros-Funded Rag Think Progress: Army to Blame for Bergdahl Deserting…":
The left continues to flail wildly trying to make excuses for Bergdahl’s desertion.
Bergdahl photo la-ed-bergdahl-rescue-criticism-20140606-001_zps3aedfb35.jpg

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