Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Cassandra Rules: 'It's Troubling' That Jew-Hating Leftists 'Are Being Painted as Anti-Semitic...'

What a sad, evil, hate-addled communist stooge.

Here's "Cassandra's" bizarre and normatively evil tweet from this morning:

And now just refer to Blazing Cat Fur, "From Today's Gaza March In France":

PREVIOUSLY: "Los Angeles #Gaza Protesters Demand Extermination of Israel and Death to the Jews," and "Walter James Casper 'Reaching Out' to Anti-Israel #ANSWER Communist 'CassandraRules'."

Yes, because Repsac's always reaching out to leftists who endorse anti-Semitic hatred, genocidal hook-nosed imagery, and collectivist hatred. That's who he is.

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