Friday, July 4, 2014

Israel-Hating Jew Max Blumenthal Blames Benjamin Netanyahu for Murder of Muhammad Abu Khdeir: 'His Incitement Has Led Directly' to Death of 'Palestinian Boy...'

Max Blumenthal has long equated Israel with Nazi Germany, and his Israel-bashing book is so rabidly hate-filled it "makes even anti-Zionists blush."

Here's his interview with hard-left Russia Today host Abby Martin. Blumenthal decries alleged Israeli "racist hate-crimes" against Palestinians "in revenge attacks incited by Netanyahu." It's really conspiratorial, inflammatory stuff, man:

Blumenthal also goes on to denounce Jodi Rudoren and Isabel Kershner of the New York Times for "whitewashing" Israeli government complicity in the "real sources of this crisis." Just wow.

Here's the piece he's referring to, "Arab Boy’s Death Escalates Clash Over Abductions."

Hateful. Seriously, he just keeps ratcheting up the BDS-style demonizations as he goes along. He's practically frothing at the mouth.

UPDATE: Linked at the Other McCain, "Max Blumenthal Claims That Netanyahu ‘Stage-Managed’ Kidnapped Teens Crisis." Thanks!

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