Thursday, July 31, 2014

'No details at all given about this situation. You couldn't make the effort to explain why he was moved out of there?...'

This video, which is unbearably sad, is a perfect summation of the ideological left. One commenter calls out the producers in the thread: "Homeless man had a request for police..."Can I watch?"
No details at all given about this situation. You couldn't make the effort to explain why he was moved out of there? Why his home was destroyed?
Some guy named Sam has been living in a small shack, apparently on private property, for a couple of years, and the authorities come in and tear it down. The shack's destroyed as the man watches his abode crushed and the music pounds while you see him quivering with tears. It's sad. But there's no background about why this shanty was torn down. How was this man living there without breaking the law? We have laws and we have property rights. Without those things you don't have society. So, what is the purpose of this other than to generate leftist outrage at how terrible this county is? Seriously. Just read the comments at Huffington Post, linked at Barbara Starr's tweet:

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