Thursday, November 6, 2014

Madcap Martin Longman, a.k.a. @BooMan23, Provides Epic Election Projection Lulz — FTW!

Our good old friend Martin Longman is almost as narcissistic as The One, and just like president loser, it all came off the rails Tuesday night at the Booman Tribune.

Here's Martin's midterm projections, "2014 Senate Forecast." The dude's a rank and useless hack. He had Democrats winning Senate races in Kansas, North Carolina, and Alaska --- and he expected Georgia to go to a runoff with Michelle Nunn picking up the seat.

Well, let's just say, er, major fail brother. Republicans flipped all those seats (although the dirtbag Begich in Alaska has so far refused to concede).

But wait! There's added lulz in that our crack election-projection master's calls for the governors' races around the country. Well, they're not actually "calls," but Madcap Martin thought the Republicans were going down hard among the following:
1. Paul LePage of Maine
2. Tom Corbett of Pennsylvania
3. Rick Snyder of Michigan
4. Scott Walker of Wisconsin
5. Sam Brownback of Kansas
6. Rick Scott of Florida.
7. Sean Parnell of Alaska
With the exception of Tom Corbett in Pennsylvania and Sean Parnell in Alaska (where they're still counting ballots), the GOP took all the remaining states Booman expected to go to the Dems. And Rick Scott in Florida and Scott Walker in Wisconsin are especially demoralizing wins for the GOP. Indeed, Walker was automatically propelled to the front ranks of the 2016 GOP presidential field. And Florida will remain one of the biggest of battlegrounds heading into the next election, to the epic consternation of the dumbshit Democraps.

By that time, perhaps Madcap Martin will have honed his projection methods a bit more. Priceless, either way. Behold the wallowing Booman here: "I Lost the Argument With Myself."

More later...

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