Monday, December 29, 2014

Can a Democratic Win the Presidency After Two Terms of Obama?

Just seeing this posed in the MSM is not good for the Democrats. Not good at all.

From Mark Barabak, at LAT, "Big obstacles await both parties in 2016 race for president":
Twelve months before the voting is set to begin, the 2016 presidential race is shaping up as a fiercely competitive contest driven by two overriding forces that — candidates aside — will go a long way toward deciding the next occupant of the White House.

Whoever Democrats nominate — Hillary Rodham Clinton being the heavy favorite — will face the inherently difficult task of winning the presidency for the party for the third time in a row. That has happened only once since Harry Truman was elected more than half a century ago: in 1988 when Republican George H.W. Bush succeeded President Reagan.

"People always choose, even if you have a popular president, the remedy [to] and not the replica of what they have," said David Axelrod, a Democratic strategist who twice helped Barack Obama win the White House.

At the same time, Republicans face another wide-open contest for their nomination — and, with it, a gravitational pull from the right flank of the party. That wing of the GOP is far more conservative than the country as a whole, potentially making the winner less appealing to a broader November electorate.

"The stark reality that Republicans face is that the nation is younger and it's more diverse ethnically," said Dick Wadhams, a Republican strategist in Colorado, a state expected to be among the hardest-fought in 2016. "We've got to have a Republican who can speak to that reality."

With each side facing hurdles, the bottom line is a presidential contest that could be the most competitive since at least 2000, when the U.S. Supreme Court stepped in after weeks of legal jousting to break an effective tie and put Bush's son George W. in the White House...
Yeah, yeah.

Candidate quality goes without saying. In 2014, Republicans ran far superior candidates, confident "happy warriors," compared to the glum, morose and fearful Democrats who couldn't run away from Obama fast enough.

But keep reading.

PREVIOUSLY: "Hillary Clinton Faces Uphill Fight for White, Rural Vote."

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