Saturday, January 24, 2015

Japanese Hostage Haruna Yukawa Beheaded (VIDEO)

So, ISIS is going with the minimalist beheading videos these days. No doubt the ghastly shock effect has worn off. (Either that, or the Peter Kassig group beheading clip was just way too graphic and over the top.)

That $200 million ransom demand was a joke, perhaps in more ways than one.

In any case, at CNN, "Online post claims 1 Japanese ISIS hostage killed; new demand made." And at SITE, "Japanese Hostage Haruna Yukawa Beheaded, Second Hostage Stipulates New IS Demand in Video." (Via Memeorandum.)

Watch it here.

Hat Tip: Gateway Pundit.

Also at Blazing Cat Fur, "Muslims Behead Japanese Hostage Haruna Yukawa Release Video Message By Kenji Goto Jogo."

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