Thursday, March 5, 2015

#ObamaCare Words Mean What They Say

I'm gobsmacked when letters like this one get past the commissars at the L.A. Times' editorial gatekeepers:
To the editor:

To The Times' editorial board, words don't mean what they say. The Affordable Care Act is clear: Subsidies would flow through state exchanges. ("Obamacare challengers' ridiculous claims head to the Supreme Court," editorial, March 4)

Our country is ruled by laws, not men, and we can correct a poorly written bill by going back to Congress, passing a revision and having the president sign it. But Affordable Care Act advocates would rather rewrite the bill at the executive level and bypass the Constitution.

A case based on an accurate reading of the law isn't phony; rather, it reflects reality — an uncomfortable reality to the true believers who support Obamacare and torture history and logic to achieve their ends. Sometimes, you have to dance with the wording you brought to the ball.

Patrick Henry,
PREVIOUSLY: "Mendacious Asshat Scott Lemieux is the Biggest 'ACA Troofer' on the Far-Left Obamabot Deep-Bench."

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