Monday, May 25, 2015

Leftists Disgrace Memorial Day

From Kurt Schlichter, at Town Hall:

As ISIS continues its orgy of rape and beheadings in Ramadi, perhaps our president could show a rare flash of dignity by simply slipping out the back door of the White House and down the road to the links instead of putting on his annual farce of “honoring” the sacred dead at Arlington. If he gave one half a damn about those who gave their lives for this country, the black flag wouldn’t be flying over the cities and towns purchased with the blood of so many valiant warriors.

But Barack Obama, like the rest of the liberal elite, cares nothing for our soldiers or our veterans, or the fact that hundreds of thousands of them died for the rights he treats like a rash – the right to speak freely, the right to worship as we please, the right to have our voices heard through our elected representatives instead of having our voices suppressed by neo-fascist bureaucrats and our representatives bypassed by a would-be strongman who wishes he could rule by decree.

Like everything about the Community Organizer-In-Chief and his cronies, everything about the carefully choreographed charade we’ll see this Memorial Day is a lie.

It is a lie when Obama and his liberal pals claim the dead inspire them.

It is a lie when Obama and his liberal pals claim the dead have their respect.

It is a lie when Obama and his liberal pals claim the dead are anything more to them than a photo op designed to fool low-information voters into thinking those who temporarily lead this country actually love this country and its citizens.

It’s a pose, an act, a scam. You can see it in the faces of the liberal politicians as they are forced to stand there onstage each last Monday of May, pretending they wouldn’t rather be anywhere else in the world than in the sun listening to people talk about what, at best, liberals consider suckers, and more often consider outright babykillers.

Look at Obama’s face as he walks behind the floral tribute in front of the cameras at the Tomb of the Unknowns. Tell me he’s thinking about the men who stormed ashore at Normandy and not about getting out of there and teeing up.

He’ll talk a good game – they all will, but it’s all a lie. If he cared, he wouldn’t have squandered the victory in Iraq to satisfy his America-hating pals on the left. ISIS, the JV team? Obama lied, and tens of thousands died – and those were the lucky ones...

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