Saturday, July 25, 2015

Donald Trump Attacks Scott Walker at Oskaloosa Republican Rally (VIDEO)

He's going on the attack.

Watch, "Donald Trump Iowa Full Speech Presidential Rally Campaign."

Also at the Des Moines Register, "Trump's latest target in Iowa: Scott Walker."

And from the Guardian UK, "Donald Trump takes aim at Republican rival Scott Walker for Wisconsin record":

Donald Trump on Saturday took shots at Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin, the only Republican in a field of 16 who is leading the business mogul in Iowa polls.

Trump has surged in such polls nationwide, during a campaign in which he has caused controversy over immigration and with a widely condemned attack on the Vietnam war record of Senator John McCain.

On Saturday, Trump addressed a rally in Oskaloosa, Iowa from which his campaign had barred the Des Moines Register newspaper, which published a critical editorial about him. At the rally, he repeated several traditionally Democratic talking points in his argument against Walker, citing the governor’s record on infrastructure, education and healthcare among the reasons that he was unfit to be president.

Referring to a Walker supporter’s comment that Trump was a “dumb-dumb”, Trump said: “Today I read this horrible statement from a fundraiser about Trump, and I said, ‘Oh finally, I can attack, finally.”

“Wisconsin’s doing terribly,” Trump said. “First of all, it’s in turmoil, the roads are a disaster.”

He continued: “They projected a $1bn surplus, and it turns out to be a deficit of $2.2bn, and money all over the place, the schools are a disaster, and they’re fighting like crazy because there’s no money for the schools, the hospitals and education is a disaster, and he was totally in support of [controversial education policy] Common Core.”

The $2.2bn deficit cited by Trump actually refers to a “pre-budget estimate” of tax revenue compared with budget requests from Wisconsin state agencies, PolitiFact Wisconsin reported. Walker calculated a $3.6bn deficit when he took office, in order to justify cuts to public education and to limit unions’ bargaining power.

The state agency that calculates the pre-budget estimate found a $2.2bn shortfall in Wisconsin’s most recent budget cycle, which Walker oversaw. Wisconsin Republicans have blamed state Democrats for spreading the $2.2bn figure, despite using the same calculation themselves in previous years...
Keep reading. (Via Memorandum.)

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