Friday, August 7, 2015

Sen. Lindsey Graham Calls for U.S. Ground Troops in Iraq and Syria (VIDEO)

Well, being one of the last neocons out here, I have to applaud Sen. Graham, and I know that's not a popular position with a lot of conservatives, considering "Grahamnesty's" many more RINO positions. But still. Almost all serious analysts of the crisis in the Middle East argue that token contingents of U.S. advisers just won't cut it. If we're serious about destroying Islamic State, then we need to send in the manpower to take them out. Graham's willing to say what everybody else will not. Indeed, maybe that's why he's even in the race, to secure a platform on which to lay out the stakes for the Republican Party. It's pretty fascinating in that regard.

Watch: "Lindsey Graham: An air campaign alone won't destroy ISIS | Fox News Republican Debate."

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