Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Participants at German Homeopathy Conference Accidentally Take Hallucinogenic Drug

The question is, how do you "accidentally" take hallucinogens at a homeopathy conference?

Now that's a trip!

At the Independent UK, "Homeopathy conference ends in chaos after delegates take hallucinogenic drug":
Police are reportedly looking into possibilities including the drug being taken as a joint experiment, or it being furtively given to conference participants as a prank.

No arrests have yet been made as the investigation continues into a possible violation of Germany’s Narcotics Act.
A "furtive prank"?

Well okay. If you say so.

That'd be last homeopathy conference I'd be attending, that's for sure. What a bunch of sleazebags and losers.

If anyone kicks the bucket perhaps they can get Susan Sarandon to carry their ashes at Burning Man next year.

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