Sunday, October 25, 2015

CBS News 2016 Battleground Tracker Poll: Hillary Clinton Leads in Iowa, Gains in New Hampshire

Following-up, "CBS News 2016 Battleground Tracker Poll: Donald Trump and Ben Carson Tied in Iowa (VIDEO)."

Here's the results for the Democrat field, "Clinton on top in Iowa, gains in New Hampshire":
Bolstered by Iowa Democratic caucus-goers who say she won the recent debate, Hillary Clinton now has an edge over Bernie Sanders in Iowa. She's up three points there, after re-allocating the supporters of Vice President Joe Biden. Those caucus-goers were then asked who'd they support if Biden decided not to run.

In Iowa, Sanders' backers remain very enthusiastic about his candidacy, while enthusiasm for Clinton is on the rise among hers: Fifty-eight percent of Clinton's first-choice Iowa voters are enthusiastically supporting her, up from 49 percent a month ago...
It's actually withing the margin of error in Iowa, so the Clinton camp shouldn't get too complacent. Clinton leads sanders 46-43 in the Hawkeye State.

But keep reading.

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