Saturday, November 21, 2015

Donald Trumps Walks Back Comments on Establishing Database to Track Muslims (VIDEO)

Shoot, I love the idea of Muslim database.

And frankly, it's not even Donald Trump who's been pushing the idea, but the leftist media that's trying to smear him as a Nazi. See Joel Pollack, at Big Government, via Memoerandum, "How the Media Smeared Donald Trump as a Nazi."

No matter. The politically correct mobs have called for Trump's head, just like ISIS beheads apostates.

At the Washington Post, "Trump distances himself from database to track Muslims":

Donald Trump on Friday backed away from the idea that he wants to create a database to track Muslims in America as fellow presidential candidates blasted the proposal as “abhorrent” and “shocking.”

Trump said the notion that he would implement a database as a way to follow Muslims was not his.

“I didn’t suggest a database — a reporter did,” Trump tweeted Friday. “We must defeat Islamic terrorism & have surveillance, including a watch list, to protect America.”

NBC News asked the candidate Thursday night whether there should be a “database system that tracks Muslims” in the country. Trump said “there should be a lot of systems beyond databases” and started talking about the U.S. border and building a wall across it. When asked whether it was something a Trump White House would implement, the candidate said,“Oh, I would certainly implement that — absolutely.”

Trump appeared somewhat confused — or annoyed — when asked about the proposal later in the night. When asked to explain the difference between a Muslim database in the United States and the registry of Jews that once existed in Nazi Germany, Trump repeatedly said, “You tell me.”

Yahoo News first asked Trump about a database Thursday. The candidate did not take a stance but raised concerns about Muslims in the United States. Trump has said that he would close mosques and would not rule out the idea of giving Muslims identification cards noting their religion.

“I find it abhorrent that Donald Trump is suggesting we register people,” former Florida governor Jeb Bush said Friday on CNBC.

“You’re talking about internment. You’re talking about closing mosques. You’re talking about registering people. And that’s just wrong — I don’t care about campaigns,” Bush said. “It’s not a question of toughness — it’s manipulating people’s angst and their fears. That’s not strength. That’s weakness.”

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.), who introduced a bill that would have barred Syrian refugees from coming to the United States, said he does not think that people should be tracked by their religion. Democrats blocked Cruz’s bill Thursday.

“I’m a big fan of Donald Trump’s, but not a fan of government registries of American citizens,” the presidential candidate said in Sioux City, Iowa. “First Amendment protects religious liberty.”

Another GOP hopeful, Ohio Gov. John Kasich, said Trump’s comments show that he is “unable to unite and lead” the country.

“The idea that someone would have to register with the federal government because of their religion strikes against all that we have believed in our nation’s history,” he said in a statement.
Kasich is an idiot. It won't be long before his campaign folds like a cheap pup tent.

Still more at the New York Times, via Memeorandum, "Donald Trump Sets Off a Furor With Call to Register Muslims in the U.S."

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