Saturday, November 14, 2015

"Frank Bruni of the New York Times tut-tuts against 'The Exploitation of Paris'..."

That's all the lefties are doing, tut-tuting against the so-called "reactionary right."

See Ed Driscoll, at Instapundit, "FREUD CALLED IT DISPLACEMENT":
Frank Bruni of the New York Times tut-tuts against “The Exploitation of Paris,” in a piece that could easily have been written by doing a find-and-replace search of a thousand different Times articles written immediately after 9/11. (A period in which the Times was utterly obsessed with the terrorist dangers of all-male golf courses). Along the way, Bruni name-checks Roger Simon, PJM’s boss emeritus...

Plus, a real heads-scratcher, at Jihad Watch, "Salon: “After Paris, let’s stop blaming Muslims and take a hard look at ourselves”."

Leftism is a mental disorder. Seriously.

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