Monday, November 16, 2015

Keep it Moving, No Islamists to See Here

The left's response to the Paris attacks has been unreal, even more than usual.

Here's just one snapshot, from Matt Labash, at the Weekly Standard:
As a committed, long-standing Twitter detractor, I’ve exhaustively bashed the social networking site for all imaginable crimes, and even unimaginable ones.  But through the gift of hindsight, I admit giving Twitter short-shrift in one department: it tends to work like they say old age does, concentrating your quirks, tics and psychopathologies, making you yourself, only more so.  This is generally not a good thing. Unless you like watching people foul the bed. (And I do!)

Last night, during one of the most widespread, bloodiest terror attacks in European history, it was Dean Obeidallah’s turn. For those unfamiliar with the social-justice comic (a self-cancelling proposition), Daily Beast columnist, and American-Muslim host of XM’s The Dean Obeidallah Show, there, I’ve just familiarized you. His overriding mission, however, is spreading the gospel of the Religion of Peace ®, to combat those who unfairly stereotype Islam as being the Religion of Pieces.

 “I want to be your Muslim friend,” Obeidallah’s written, “so if you don’t have one, follow me on Twitter.”

Since I’m not on Twitter, I couldn’t make new friends with Obeidallah. But as the death toll in Paris kept climbing, I could read his feed. Which was not unlike watching a mental breakdown unspool in real time. Obeidallah started innocuously enough, keeping the victims in his prayers...
Keep reading (tweets are embedded at the piece).

A real meltdown. Pathetic.

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