Sunday, November 22, 2015

Obama Scrambling Desperately to Regain Control of Syrian Refugee Debate (VIDEO)

I'm positively giddy with all the political flak Obama's taking.

I love it. It's so well-deserved, heh.

Even far left-wing journalists are slamming the idiot POTUS, so that's like icing on the cake.

At Politico, "White House scrambles to regain control of refugee debate":

Democrats who voted for an anti-refugee bill complain the Obama administration has failed so far to make its case.

The White House, caught flat-footed this week as President Barack Obama visited Asia, is scrambling to regain control of the debate on allowing Syrian refugees into the U.S. and to slow legislation that it says would be against American values.

In the days since a group of attackers unleashed a night of terror in Paris, Republicans have zeroed in on the threat that Syrian refugees could pose if fighters from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant slipped in with them and have fast-tracked legislation that would tighten the screening process.

Dozens of Democrats, fearful of voting against such security measures, have joined the GOP effort, and they're publicly grumbling about subpar messaging from the White House.

But now the Obama administration has cranked up a multifront effort to halt the legislation and try to reclaim the conversation around the thousands of refugees who were due to be resettled in the U.S. next year.
Still more.

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