Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Political Correctness, Leftist Intolerance, and the University of Missouri Campus Protests

I walked in at 6:00pm exactly tonight, just in time to flip the remote over to Fox Business Channel for the GOP presidential debate. My wife had dinner ready, bless her heart, and I poured a glass of wine and ate dinner with my family while the debate played out, with low volume, on the television.

At work today I saw all the incredible coverage at Memeorandum on the political correctness earthquake at Mizzou. There's no way I can catch up with all of the news tonight. Sure beats a slow news day, that's for sure.

In any case, I'll have more on the debate later.

Check Memeorandum for all the totalitarian campus action, "University of Missouri, please immediately fire employees who taunted media," and "As Missouri Activists Block Journalists, a Divide Over ‘Respect’ and Rights."

And at the Missourian, "UPDATE: MU faculty member resigns courtesy appointment, apologizes for photojournalist incident."

Now, at Instapundit, "Meanwhile, looking at the Mizzou YikYak feed, a lot of students are sorry the university caved, but worried about this potential threat," and "NEO-NEOCON: More on Missouri—and more and more and more..."

At the Other McCain, "Well, That Didn’t Take Long," and "‘Systemic Racism,’ Anarchy and Incipient Totalitarianism at University of Missouri."

Finally, here's James Rosen on Special Report, covering the Missouri protests:

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