Saturday, November 21, 2015

Record Number of #Refugees Around the Globe

At USA Today, "Record refugee crisis hits all parts of globe":
LONDON — The heart-wrenching plight of desperate refugees, most of them Syrians, who are fleeing to Europe by land or sea is a humanitarian crisis of epic proportions. Yet it is only part of a troubling trend that has reached unprecedented levels:

More people from every corner of the globe have been uprooted by war, persecution or natural disasters than ever before in history.

That amounts to 55 million people "forcibly displaced" at the end of 2014, according to the United Nations Refugee Agency. That doesn't count tens of millions more in poverty who are voluntarily seeking a better life elsewhere.

Given all the conflicts and chaos raging around the world — and distressed economic conditions in so many countries — the world's migrant crisis likely will remain at record levels this year, too. And it is sure to prompt more pushback from nations worried about the costs of housing migrants and threats from terrorists sneaking across borders amid the hordes of refugees...
Keep reading.

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