Sunday, November 8, 2015

Robert Stacy McCain on William F. Buckley, Jr.'s, God and Man at Yale

I love Robert's writing.

See, "The Godless Men at Yale":
Every time I mention William F. Buckley Jr.’s God and Man at Yale here, it sells a few copies via the Amazon Associates link, a surprise that is both pleasant (because I need the money) and troubling, because it bugs me to realize that today, in 2015, there are conservatives who have not yet read that 1951 classic. Buckley’s book, published not long after he had graduated from Yale, immediately ignited a firestorm among the liberal elite. God and Man at Yale was published amid the Cold War tempest that history has called “McCarthyism,” and Buckley pointed out the ways in which “the superstition of academic freedom” was used to protect teaching that was clearly hostile to capitalism and Christianity...
Keep reading.

Here's the Amazon link to Buckley's book, God and Man at Yale: The Superstitions of 'Academic Freedom'.

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