At FrontPage Magazine, "'Social Action' Principal: School Tests are 'Inequality' and 'Modern Day Slavery'":
I know there are plenty of kids who think that school is slavery. But finally there's a principal who agrees with them.Keep reading.
Think about it. They're rounded up on buses, sent to buildings, forced to learn things and then answer questions about them. It's just like slavery or the Holocaust or something terrible. We must all join together to stamp out all learning and test-taking so we can finally achieve true social justice utopia.
Just ask the principal of the Cornerstone Academy for Social Action.
In an online rant, a Bronx public school principal has likened standardized testing to slavery, redlining and crack cocaine in damaging the lives of minorities.Educational standards. They're just like crack cocaine and slavery...
You know, this principal's only saying out loud what the Obama administration's attack on standardized tests is all about.
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