Friday, December 18, 2015

Conservative Anger Grows Over Marco Rubio and Illegal Alien Amnesty (VIDEO)

It's definitely an Achilles Heel of his campaign.

Here's yesterday's entry, "Open-Borders Money Backs Marco Rubio."

And at the New York Times, "Conservative Ire Grows Over Marco Rubio's Past on Immigration":

WASHINGTON — Senator Marco Rubio made a big bet on an immigration overhaul that failed – and he has been running away from it since. Now his past is catching up with him, stoking old grievances from conservative rivals who are reopening one of the most vulnerable episodes in his past.

The anger toward Mr. Rubio on the right has only grown in recent days as he has taken to aggressively questioning Senator Ted Cruz’s toughness on illegal immigration, a line of attack that some Republicans say they find disingenuous.

On talk radio, on the campaign trail and on televisions in states like Iowa, Mr. Rubio is suddenly facing a torrent of criticism from within his own party unlike anything he has faced so far in the presidential race.

Mr. Cruz’s campaign, which was initially rattled by the criticism, is retaliating with a new ad that makes the case that the 2013 immigration bill Mr. Rubio helped write would have left the country exposed to attacks from Islamic State infiltrators. It shows Mr. Rubio standing with a group of conservative adversaries like Senator John McCain as Mr. Cruz says: “Their misguided plan would have given Obama the authority to admit Syrian refugees, including ISIS terrorists. That’s just wrong.”

People who saw Mr. Rubio speak near Des Moines the other day found their windshields plastered with black-and-white fliers that mocked him as “Chuck Schumer’s amnesty pitchman.” If Mr. Rubio is elected president, warned the fliers, which were noticed by a freelance journalist, he would support liberal immigration policies and “impose them by force on Americans.”

Mr. Rubio’s struggle to mollify Republicans who believe he betrayed conservative principles for political convenience – two years of outreach, apology and labored professions of a lesson learned – has never had higher stakes. Right now he is trying to break out beyond the third- or fourth-place spot he holds in many polls by peeling away support from conservative favorites like Mr. Cruz and Ben Carson.

His recent attacks on Mr. Cruz are backfiring as some influential conservatives are now rallying to Mr. Cruz’s side and denouncing Mr. Rubio.

Senator Jeff Sessions, the Alabama Republican who is a hero of the anti-immigration reform movement on the right, went on a conservative radio program Thursday to defend Mr. Cruz and say that Mr. Rubio would be held accountable by conservative voters who rallied around killing the 2013 legislation.

“I think Senator Rubio has to answer for things that were in that bill,” Mr. Sessions said on the “Howie Carr Show.”

He continued, “This presidential election is going to decide who runs the White House: the crowd that pushed this legislation or the crowd that opposed it.”

Mark Levin, who has one of the largest followings on conservative radio, has been leading much of the effort lately on the air and online to criticize Mr. Rubio. He has accused the senator of “utter incoherence” in trying to tear down Mr. Cruz and paper over his own involvement in the immigration overhaul. “Such unprincipled ambition has not and will not go unnoticed by conservatives,” he cautioned.

Rush Limbaugh told his listeners: “Marco Rubio was part of the Gang of Eight trying to secure amnesty and wishes he wasn’t. Ted Cruz never was.”

The Rubio campaign’s effort to sully Mr. Cruz’s record on immigration is something even the Texas senator’s most ardent critics say distracts from the reality of the situation...

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