Thursday, December 17, 2015

Don't Let Fear Undermine Freedom?

I don't know. I'd support my kid's school if they received a threat. I'd want my kid home.

In any case, here's the libertarian O.C. Register, "L.A. schools closure: Don't let fear undermine freedom":
Regardless of whether the threats were sent by a wannabe terrorist or a prankster, we can acknowledge and reaffirm that this is the new age of terrorism. But while we understand that the LAUSD did not want to take any chances with student safety, we must balance our fear with a resolute stand to maintain our way of life and the freedoms that make it possible. Once we surrender to fear the ideals that made this nation great, we will have ceded a victory to the terrorists.

Word is the L.A. Unified threat was a shoddy hoax, easily decipherable as fake. But then, an "abundance of caution" isn't a bad thing. Americans expect more attacks.

More here, "After San Bernardino shootings, no one is taking chances with safety":
FULLERTON – The note found taped on a door Wednesday at Sunny Hills High School included no bomb threat, no link to terrorism.

But two weeks after a radicalized couple killed 14 people in San Bernardino, and one day after a threatening email closed Los Angeles public schools, the note was deemed worrisome enough. Principal Allen Whitten, along with a team of teachers, soon began ushering students off campus, and the school was shut for the day.

Fullerton police would not elaborate later on the details of the note, and Sunny Hills was expected to reopen Thursday. But the swift and decisive reaction to what once might have been dismissed as a prank highlighted a hyper-vigilance about public safety that has become routine in Southern California in the wake of the Dec. 2 terrorist attacks and other recent mass shootings.

“This is my children’s lives. What if it wasn’t a hoax?” said Brenda Matto, the mother of two Sunny Hills students. “Am I willing to take that chance?”

In Orange County this week, it has been clear that no one charged with protecting the public’s safety is taking any such chances...

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