Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Praise for San Bernardino Police Chief Jarrod Burguan After #SanBernardino Attack

Amazingly professional. The kudos are quite justified.

At the Los Angeles Times, "San Bernardino police chief kept his cool after the massacre":
As police officers kicked open doors in the Inland Regional Center in the search for the armed assailants who had just massacred 14 county employees, San Bernardino Police Chief Jarrod Burguan was outside scanning the terrain for a safe place to coordinate the sweeping emergency response.

He found it a block away — an abandoned house with a dirt yard and boarded-up windows, one of many pocking the streets of this hollowed-out city. Within minutes, police, fire and other emergency agency commanders huddled inside, out of gunshot range.

It was a no-nonsense move by a city police chief who has been praised for his cool-headed response in the chaotic aftermath of the worst terrorist attack on U.S. soil since Sept. 11.

When standing before television news cameras, Burguan's cleanly shaven crown and thick, linebacker frame punctuated his blunt, straightforward accounts of the manhunt and the rapidly developing investigation.

"He was quite effective in giving out whatever information he could, calming the public and discouraging any other lunatics from committing acts of backlash," said Brian Levin, a former New York City police officer and terrorism expert teaching at Cal State San Bernardino. "The response, of all the agencies, was a national model for first responder actions regarding terrorist attacks."

Burguan knew that the nation was watching, and that San Bernardino was on edge. He held three news conferences on the day of the attack. He didn't dodge questions but also knew some leads could not be made public.

"I believe in transparency," Burguan, 45, said. "My philosophy has always been that if I can tell you, I'm going to tell you. And if I can't tell you, I'm going to say I can't tell you."

Burguan also took to Twitter to provide instant updates and knock down rumors: "Suspects are down, one officer wounded. Details still unfolding," he tweeted shortly after the assailants were killed in a gun battle with police.

On Friday, he was at home and sending out a series of tweets explaining why a UPS station was evacuated after a delivery driver spotted a package addressed to one of the killers. "Item was safe, posed no threat." Moments later, he watched, amazed, as his tweet popped up on a television news broadcast.

"The power of social media," Burguan said.

Burguan, named chief two years ago after two decades as a San Bernardino officer, is uneasy with the attention, sensitive to the lives lost and victims maimed in the terrorist attack and the long list of agencies, including the FBI and San Bernardino Sheriff's Department, involved in the case.

His pride, however, is difficult to hide.

"We knew the response was good, we knew people were very, very happy that we hunted down these guys and caught them very quickly," he said. "There's no doubt that these guys were going to do something else. They had an arsenal on them. They were going to continue fighting."

Burguan, a former football star at Bloomington Christian High School, just outside of Rialto, was 21 when he joined the San Bernardino Police Department in 1992. It was near the height of the crack epidemic, when gunfire echoed around the city almost every night and the homicide rate was double what it is today. He worked the night shift and went to night school, eventually earning undergraduate and master's degrees at the University of Redlands.

San Bernardino was a different city then. Lumbering C-141 Starlifters still flew out of Norton Air Force Base. There were two malls in town and a hopping restaurant row. Burguan, living on a traffic officer's salary, failed to qualify for a loan when he tried to buy a home up near Cal State San Bernardino.

"I watched the decline. I've watched businesses leave, and I saw Norton close," he said.

This once-proud blue-collar city has been hamstrung by years of bankruptcy, poverty and noxious politics. Since 2009, the police force has been cut by 100 officers. The anti-gang and other crime prevention programs "are a shell" of what they used to be, he said. There is a proposal to beef up the agency over the next five years, but it is before a federal bankruptcy judge awaiting approval.

"We're largely a reactive agency. I hate to say it, but that's the truth of the matter," Burguan said. "Our response times are not good. And the irony is, people are praising us for our response to this incident."

I watched the press conferences. He's totally no nonsense.

Also, at the letters to the editor, "Readers React San Bernardino shooting: In praise of the police response."

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