Sunday, December 6, 2015

Tashfeen Malik Was Driving Force in Terror Couple's Embrace of Jihad — #SanBernardino

At the Wall Street Journal, "San Bernardino Wife Believed to Be Driving Force to Radicalism":
Investigators probing the couple suspected of the shooting attack in San Bernardino, Calif., last week increasingly believe the wife was the driving force behind the assault—a working theory that highlights the difficulty of trying to spot such plots and prevent them, law-enforcement officials said.

Initial evidence suggests Tashfeen Malik may have had a stronger bond than her husband to jihadist ideology, the officials said. The husband, Syed Farook, appears to have been someone who was curious but not particularly driven on his own to support terror groups, these officials said.

Agents are pursuing “the very real possibility’’ that Ms. Malik was the catalyst for the violence that killed 14 and injured 21 at a holiday office party for San Bernardino County health workers on Dec. 2, said one official. So far her husband “seems like someone who was searching for answers,’’ the official said.

Mr. Farook’s family members have told investigators they are stunned by what the couple allegedly did and that they did not see signs of radicalization in the pair or evidence that they were planning violence. So far investigators have no reason to doubt those accounts, officials said...
Well, additional information's coming out, for example, that Farook's mom was active in "pro-caliphate" Islamic groups, but keep reading, in any case. I'll have more.

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