Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Sarah Palin Endorses Donald Trump for GOP Nomination (VIDEO)

I saw this earlier but was busy at the office working up my syllabi for the spring semester. I think this is a major development. Folks on CNN earlier were dismissing Palin as something of a has-been whose creds on the hustings ain't what they used to be. Actually, I'd beg to differ. I expect she's got millions of loyal supporters around the country who're thrilled by her endorsement, and who're excited to see her "stump for Trump."

It's pretty awesome, frankly. I'll bet Ted Cruz is pretty bummed out about it, in fact, to say nothing of the die hard "constitutional conservatives" bewailing Trump's candidacy.

At the Los Angeles Times, "Sarah Palin endorses Donald Trump's campaign for president":

Sarah Palin, a popular figure among evangelicals and tea party followers, endorsed Donald Trump for president Tuesday, giving the New York billionaire a key source of support as chief rival Ted Cruz tries to undercut his standing among conservatives.

Palin joined Trump at a rally in Ames, Iowa, where she hailed his stand against illegal immigration and his vow to take a tough approach to U.S. adversaries on the world stage.

“Are you ready for a commander in chief who will let our warriors do their job and go kick ISIS’s ass?” Palin asked Trump’s supporters at Iowa State University.

The former governor of Alaska can be a polarizing figure. But her strong following among evangelicals and other conservatives makes her a valuable ally at a time when Cruz, a Texas senator, is casting Trump as liberal on abortion, same-sex marriage and other issues...
Plus, at the New York Times, via Memeorandum, "Sarah Palin Endorses Donald Trump, Rallying Conservatives."

More, at the Des Moines Register, "Sarah Palin endorses Donald Trump for president."

Expect updates.

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