Thursday, February 4, 2016

Malheur Holdouts David Fry, Sean Anderson, Sandy Anderson, and Jeff Banta Included in Federal Indictment

Flashback to last Saturday, "'It feels like a zombie apocalypse' — Last Malheur Holdouts Hope Against Hope (VIDEO)."

Well, I guess the feds aren't going to agree to the demands of the last holdouts.

Here's the story, at the Portland Oregonian, "Federal grand jury indicts 16 in refuge takeover":

Ammon Bundy and 15 others accused in the armed takeover of a federal wildlife refuge -- including four people who remain at the bird sanctuary -- have been indicted on charges of conspiracy to impede federal officers through intimidation, threats or force.

A federal grand jury returned the indictments Wednesday and they were unsealed Thursday morning.

It accuses Ammon Bundy, the leader of the monthlong armed occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge outside Burns, and the other key players of conspiring to prevent employees of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service from working at the refuge, taking over the property armed with firearms and intimidating the people of Harney County.

The alleged offenses began Oct. 5, when two of the defendants met with the Harney County sheriff to warn of "extreme civil unrest'' if their demands were unmet, according to the indictments.

The accused co-conspirators are charged with occupying the federal property "while using and carrying firearms,'' threatening violence against anybody who attempted to remove them from the refuge and using social media and other means of communication to recruit and encourage others to join them.

The indictments also alleged the group carried firearms on the federal property and refused repeated federal orders to leave. It contends the conspiracy lasted through the date of the indictments.
Keep reading.

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