Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Sarah Palin Slams the 'Lies of Ted Cruz's Campaign'

My sleep cycle is all messed up.

I stayed up early into the morning reading and blogging, as I always do, but then I had to get going at 7:00am to get my kid ready and take him to school. I feel back asleep after I came back home. I saw folks mocking today's Donald Trump Twitter tirade before I dozed off, and now waking back up I see the campaign's blown apart on all sides.

You gotta love it!

Here's the former GOP vice-presidential candidate, on Facebook, "Dirty Politics: Witnessing Firsthand It's Always Heartbreaking, Never Surprising" (via Memeorandum).

Sarah Palin Donald Trump photo 48443994.cached_zpsmtyqzpja.jpg

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