Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Will the Real Progressive Please Stand Up?

I couldn't watch this stupid town hall forum. I went out to Nordstrom's to buy a couple of button-down shirts for work next week.

But see the Los Angeles Times, "Who's a real progressive? Sanders and Clinton make their cases at New Hampshire town hall."

And watch, if you're interested, via CNN, "Bernie Sanders said that Hillary Clinton can't be 'moderate' and 'progressive' in response to the criticism he has taken for questioning her 'progressive record'."

And Grandma responded during her segment, "'I'm a progressive who likes to get things done' - During the New Hampshire Democratic town hall, Hillary Clinton defended her progressive credentials against criticism from the Bernie Sanders campaign."

Keep in mind, there's a debate scheduled for tomorrow night as well, which I'll probably watch. And then the Republicans have a debate on Saturday night, which should be a riot.

Probably the coolest thing is that we've got the Super Bowl on Sunday to take our minds off all of the campaigning, heh.

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