Monday, May 9, 2016

Angela Davis, Freedom Is a Constant Struggle

I met Angela Davis at a book signing in Los Angeles years ago.

My older sister got to know her after attending one of her courses at San Francisco State. This was back in the 1980s. I was still a Democrat. Little did I know just how nasty a leftist Angela Davis is.

I read her autobiography at the time, but was still fawning and doe-eyed. Not so much now.

In any case, I picked up a copy of her book, Freedom Is a Constant Struggle: Ferguson, Palestine, and the Foundations of a Movement.

Know your enemies, people. If you wonder why I read these books, even pay for them. I always make it a point to know my enemies, and to have read their works. I'm usually better read on all the collectivist cant than my faculty colleagues at work, to say nothing of the idiot trolls online.

I'll have more later, as always.

Angela Davis photo Cover_zpsltflyl5z.jpg

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