Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Ramadan Terror: Paris Knife Jihadist Broadcast Cop-Murder Live on Facebook (VIDEO)


At the Telegraph UK, "Paris attack: Cop-killer broadcast murder live on Facebook, saying he was answering Isil's call for lone wolf attacks during Ramadan":
A suspected Islamist who stabbed to death a police commander and his wife in France claimed he was following Isil’s call for lone wolf attacks during Ramadan, in a video posted online after the killing.

Larossi Abballa, a 25-year-old known to French security services, pledged allegiance to the leader of Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil) in a 13-minute live broadcast on his Facebook account before warning that Euro 2016 would become a “graveyard”.

Abu Muhammad al-Adnani, an Isil spokesman, last month released an audio recording in which he told followers in Europe and the US to rise up and carry out attacks in its name during the holy month.

The attacker, who went to jail in 2013 for helping Islamist militants go to Pakistan and had been monitored by security services, repeatedly knifed the 42-year-old commander, named locally as Jean-Baptiste Salvaing, in the stomach late on Monday.

He then barricaded himself inside the house in Magnanville, a suburb some 40 miles west of Paris, taking the policeman's partner and three-year-old son hostage. His partner, 36, an administrative police official, was found dead in the house with knife wounds to her neck.

The boy was unharmed but in a state of shock, officials said. He was taken to a children's hospital.

They found three phones and three knives, including one covered in blood on the table.

In his nearby car, they found a Koran, a white djellaba, and two books - one called "genuine belief" and another "explanation of the three foundations".

The video, posted on his Facebook account as police surrounded the couple’s house, reportedly showed the suspect next to his victims, according to French radio station RFI.

The couple’s son can be seen in the background. “I don’t know what to do with it,” the suspect is heard saying of the boy.

Abballa then calls for more attacks in France, particularly against the Euro 2016 stadiums and a list of police officers, prison guards, and journalists he names.

He was shot dead by members of an elite police unit after negotiations failed...
And watch, at France 24, "France : policeman killer was part of Syria jihad investigation, had ties with jihadi networks," and "France police murder claimed by ISIS: 'a direct link with the Orlando mass shooting'."

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