Sunday, August 14, 2016

"Can anyone doubt for a single moment that, were 'people' like this to gain ultimate power over us as they so fervently, insanely desire, they'd be trotting their political opposition off to gulags just as fast as they could get them constructed — just as their ideological twins in the Soviet Union, Vietnam, Cambodia, and who knows how many other places did? Just as they always have done upon their ascension to power, no matter where on Earth they might be?"

I posted Cold Fury to the sidebar, but the entry just reminded me of this video I put up here long ago, at "The Cuban Archipelago."

But read the whole thing, from our buddy Mike, "How the Left “Debates”."

No doubt.

You'd be lined up and shot, by folks just like Che and his henchman after Cuba's "national liberation."

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