Monday, December 26, 2016

Singer George Michael Dies of AIDS at 53

Here's the Santa Monica Observer, the only media outlet I found that accurately reported George Michael's death yesterday, "Singer George Michael Succumbs to HIV/AIDS at 53, at Home in England."

The Observer got so much traffic the server almost crashed.

Leftists were upset that people were even mentioning AIDS:

There was one other rather honest piece about Michael's death, from Alison Boshoff, at Daily Mail, "ALISON BOSHOFF: How sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll took their toll on troubled genius George Michael":
Michael, who wrote and performed pop classics including Careless Whisper, Praying For Time and Faith, said himself that he suffered from two afflictions –'grief and self-abuse'.

He would smoke enormous amounts of marijuana – up to 25 joints a day at some points in his career.

He also struggled with depression, following the death of his lover Anselmo Feleppa from an HIV-related illness in 1993, and his mother, of cancer, in 1997.

His drug use included a dependency on sleeping pills and a dabble with designer drug GHB. In 2008, Michael was caught smoking crack cocaine in a public toilet.

He was in the habit of cruising for sex with strangers – an activity he declared he had started in his teens. He told friend Piers Morgan that he had up to 500 sexual partners in seven years – which works out, staggeringly, at one every five days.
Yet Michael had no apologies for his lifestyle. Life fast, die young:

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