Saturday, January 7, 2017

Esteban Santiago Charged with Three Federal Crimes, Each Carrying Possibility of Death Penalty (VIDEO)

The dude should fry.

At the Sun-Sentinel, "Airport shooting suspect Esteban Santiago faces charges that could bring death penalty."

Also, "Esteban Santiago: Details emerge of suspect in airport shooting."

And at CNN, "Fort Lauderdale airport suspect used gun once held by police, sources say":

When Esteban Santiago was in an Alaska FBI office in November, saying his mind was being controlled by US intelligence, he left two things in the car.

A gun and his newborn child.

Santiago's rambling walk-in interview at the Anchorage office was concerning enough for authorities to take away his gun and order a mental health evaluation. But it wasn't enough to get him mentally adjudicated, which would have prohibited Santiago from owning a gun.

"As far as I know, this is not somebody that would have been prohibited based on the information that (authorities in Alaska) have. I think that law enforcement acted within the laws that they have," said US attorney Karen Loeffler.

Santiago got the gun back a month later when he retrieved the pistol from police headquarters, and it was that weapon, law enforcement sources told CNN, that he used to shoot 11 people Friday at the airport in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

Santiago also had some legal trouble and was due in court again in March. But he hadn't been convicted of a serious crime.

"He hadn't been adjudicated a felon and he hadn't been adjudicated mentally ill," former FBI assistant director and CNN senior law enforcement analyst Tom Fuentes said. "So again, you know we have this situation where he slipped through the cracks."
Here is what we know about the shooter, the victims and the facts of the case...
Keep reading.

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