Saturday, February 11, 2017

Hysteria and Sensationalism Falsely Spread 'Immigration Crackdown' Rumors

Authorities have indicated that the arrest of Guadalupe Garcia was an example of routine enforcement, not a lightning blow spearheading the alleged mass roundups sparked by the Trump administration.

Frankly, I hope we get some mass roundups, some workplace raids, and heightened routine enforcement and arrests. It's just that degenerate leftists have seized on each and every news story to blow everything out of proportion. Think of people SCREAMING AT YOU IN ALL CAPS! IT'S HITLER ROUNDING UP THE JEWS ALL OVER AGAIN!!

Actually, it's not.

At the Dallas Morning News, "Immigration activists dispel panic ignited by Trump orders but warn Dallas residents to be prepared":

First, they said a new law allowed Carrollton police to ask drivers about their immigration status.

Then, there was a report of an ICE checkpoint in Vickery Meadow, an immigrant-filled neighborhood of Dallas.

Later came a sighting in Irving of federal immigration officials sweeping through a store catering to South Asians.

By the time officials and immigration attorneys could dispel the rumors pinging through group texts and Facebook posts, panic and confusion had gripped Dallas' immigrant communities.

At the root of the rumors was a trio of executive orders on immigration by President Donald Trump.

They greatly expand who can be picked up and include those who "committed acts that constitute a chargeable criminal offense," regardless of the crime's severity and whether or not they've actually been charged.

Immigration lawyer Noaman Azhar said his office was inundated with calls.

"People's concern with the hysteria is not just the executive orders but what's going to come next," Azhar said. "Are there going to be more executive orders on immigration? Are the executive orders going to be even more extreme? Are they going to add more countries to the ban list?"

Perpetuating the panic are Facebook posts and mass texts with misleading information and a call to "copy, paste and spread the word."

But Carl Rusnok, a spokesman for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, said on Friday that he knew of no beefed-up operations or deportations as a result of Trump's executive orders. He warned that media reports created panic.

"There are always things going on on a daily basis," the ICE spokesman said. "People don't sit on their hands here. That is nothing new."

Other "target-rich" communities in Texas and elsewhere across the country reported rising detainment and deportations...
Still more.

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