Wednesday, March 1, 2017

7,000 Anti-Semitic Incidents Under Obama?

Man, that's a lot.

And why were they ignored? What an excellent question.

At Algemeiner, "Why Were the 7000 Anti-Semitic Incidents Under Obama Largely Ignored?" (Via Memeorandum.)

The main reason, of course, is that leftists want to destroy Donald Trump. I don't believe there's any real increase in "hate incidents." For example, those vandalizing and terrorizing Jewish cemeteries are probably leftists. We won't know until there are some arrests. And as for the rest of the so-called "hate incidents" against Jews, every year anti-Semitic attacks top the Justice Department's hate crimes statistics. There's no new "increase." They're just being sensationalized for political gain.

We're looking at at leftist double-standard, designed to make President Trump's administration look like the coming of the Third Reich. It's despicable.

RELATED: "How the Democrats Became the Anti-Israel Party."

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