Friday, April 14, 2017

Trump Will Win Bigly in 2020

From Roger Simon, at Pajamas:
I have bad news for the mainstream media and the Democrats.  Time to stock up on absinthe or hightail it down to the medical marijuana store -- Donald Trump is going to be president for eight years.  Not only that, he will win reelection much more comfortably, easily winning the popular vote as well as the electoral college.

I'm not saying this because I am in the slightest bit psychic. I always lose in Vegas -- and don't even ask about the track. I'm also not saying it because Trump just had a good week, getting his Supreme Court pick through and taking it to Assad and ISIS, earning him a slight bump in the polls. (They don't mean anything now anyway.)

 I am saying it for same reason I predicted Trump would win his first term back in August 2015 -- simple observation of the scene. I should add observation from afar because I have the advantage of watching from Los Angeles. The view is too distorted in the nation's capital where, at least it seems from here, no one can stand each other. (That's okay. People in Hollywood are exactly the same.)

Yes, you can say I'm being stupid and rash to make such an early prediction, but that's just what I was accused of in 2015.  So go ahead and call me anything you want.  Make my day -- November 3, 2020.

Okay, but why?

To begin with, the media (his main opposition party) has completely blown it in less than the allotted one hundred days. By attacking Trump every which way at once, calling him a racist, sexist, homophobe, Islamophobe, isolationist and warmonger -- yes, the last two are completely contradictory, but that doesn't stop the geniuses in our Fourth Estate -- they have literally turned into the journalistic version of the boy who cried wolf.  No one believes them anymore, assuming they ever did in the first place.

And it's only going to get worse because the Trump-Russia scandal is an obvious dud while the Obama-Trump surveillance contretemps could have legs, as we say hereabouts.

The situation is even more dire for the Democratic Party itself...
I'm a little skeptical that Trump can survive the gauntlet Democrat-Media Complex a second time (his win last November still seems miraculous somehow), but I admire Roger's pluck.

In any case, still more.

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