Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Democrats and Leftists Hate America

We're constantly told how politically "polarized" we are as a nation.

Since I teach politics I talk about the phenomenon all the time.

But step away from the desktop, laptop, tablet, or mobile phone --- and enjoy real human interaction --- and life doesn't seem so polarized. One simple solution to the polarization problem is to focus on the things in life that aren't political. I'd submit that many of our current divisions are rooted in our practice of collective digitized news consumption, especially among the young and digitally mobile (and that's following up on my previous entry, "How Our Online Experiences Shape Our Political Identities.") Take away the constant social media political virtue signaling, and regular life becomes more shared and cooperative. Life becomes more like a community. People actually talk to each other.

I'll flesh out these hypotheses in future posts. Meanwhile, take a look at some of the Independence Day polling on patriotism and leftist hatred. Democrats don't love America, they hate America; and such antipathy to the United States predates the Trump administration. Current politics has only accelerated a trend of leftist anti-nationalism and self-loathing that's been building for a while.

See Gallup and USA Today, for instance:

You can read Allahpundit for an analysis of the trends (hint: decline in patriotism is literally an exclusive phenomenon on the ideological left).

Now, for some digital youth anti-Amnericanism, I give you Leila Ettachfini and her America-loathing screed at Vice:

And from the article:
America has always been bad, no matter who the president is or was. Since Trump’s election, however, the qualities that make America particularly bad—racism, sexism, homophobia, the institutionalized manifestations of each of these, et cetera—have been emboldened, forcing many people to reckon with the ugly reality of their beloved USA. “This is not America,” I keep hearing. But the truth of the matter is that family separation, a disregard for Black lives, homophobia, and every other incarnation of white male supremacy are exactly what America is made of. In light of that, celebrating the Fourth of July in the spirit of patriotism may sound far from appealing. Here are some alternative ways to celebrate the Fourth of July that include less blind nationalism and more uplifting communities that American institutions have so long worked against.
Now if you read the entire essay, you'll find that all of the "alternative ways" to celebrate the Fourth are found in progressive, far-left political activism, including things like asking "fellow guests if they’re registered to vote, and tell them how to do that if they don’t know," and shopping for food and party supplies at businesses "operated by indigenous people or other communities who face systemic disadvantages in the U.S."

When talking about polarization, and especially the generational dynamics of America hatred, reading articles like this one confirms those worries of people who say they're scared for the future of our country.

If one hates America, you won't defend it. Indeed, younger Americans --- the digitized online-identiy generation --- are working assiduously to tear it down.

And with that wonderful news, enjoy your 4th of July!

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