Monday, March 25, 2019

'Marxism has come a long way, baby, by becoming the politics of choice of spoiled upper-class darlings who have never done any work in their lives...'

From Sarah Hoyt, at Pajamas, "After AOC Chases Amazon Jobs Away, Some New Yorkers Begin to Understand Socialism":
I was highly amused at reading this article: "Poll: 38 percent say Ocasio-Cortez 'villain' in New York losing Amazon HQ deal."

Apparently, New Yorkers are so badly educated that they didn’t understand the side effects of electing socialists.

You see, electing socialists always results in businesses moving away, disappearing, or never setting up in your town at all.

There are reasons for this, reasons usually tied in with how socialists view the world.

For instance, they don’t understand where money/wealth comes from.

It used to be, for old-time Marxists, that money was created by labor. That notion is crazy enough, since you can labor long and hard and not create anything of value. (See, for instance, my 13-year apprenticeship in writing commercially viable fiction.)  Or you can do very little labor and create something of great value. (C. S. Lewis’s Narnia chronicles were written in a freakishly short time for many writers.)

But Marxism has come a long way, baby, by becoming the politics of choice of spoiled upper-class darlings who have never done any work in their lives.

To them – judging by my kids' school books, my leftist colleagues' vagaries and, yes,  Alexandria Occasional Cortex’s eructation – wealth is something that just exists, kind of free-form. It can be stolen and hoarded, but not actually created in any sense of the word.

This is why socialists are convinced that we stole our wealth from the sh**holes of the world. (No, seriously. My kids’ history and geography books all said this.) Also, it’s why poor Occasional Cortex, whom no one ever accused of an overabundance of brains, thought that she was saving the people of New York money by chasing Amazon away...

Plus, more from Pajamas:

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