Tuesday, July 26, 2022

GOP 'Tsunami' Will Be 5-6 Senate Seats, 40-70 House Seats (VIDEO)

I'm leaning toward this kind of outcome myself, at least for the Senate, though 5-6 Senates seats sounds optimistic. All the news reports this last couple of months have claimed Democrats are competitive and could likely pick up some seats to create a solid majority in the upper chamber.

Here's Newt Gingrich with Bret Baier at Fox News, "Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich weighs in on the upcoming 2022 midterm election on the "FOX News Sunday" panel."

On the House side, Dave "I've Seen Enough" Wasserman is significantly less bullish, for the Cook Report, "Is the 'red wave' ebbing? Probably not much."

We'll see.