Showing posts with label Andrew Breitbart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Andrew Breitbart. Show all posts

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Andrew Breitbart on James O'Keefe

"O'Keefe Owes His Supporters an Explanation" (via Memeorandum). O'Keefe might even owe them an apology. More here: "James O'Keefe Jumps The Shark A Second Time." (Yeah, "jumps the shark." Don't know about the "second time" though. The ACORN scandal was killer. But the exposure must have been narcotic. O'Keefe seems not to be able to keep his head down while waiting for another truly good exposé.)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Leftists Smear Andrew Breitbart With Goat Bestiality Video

At King Charles' Twitter page, "Breaking: Video Surfaces of Breitbart in Compromising Position with Goat":

I guess this is a variation on the "goat-f**king Republican" smear, at Daily Kos:
Andrew Breitbart is a scare mongering lying fuck, but he is an effective scare mongering lying fuck. Now if you all think this latest controversy about Andrew and Fox News is going to change what these folks do you are crazy. Standing up and calling them liars is not going to stop them or stop them from being effective. These folks play on the emotions of people. The emotion of fear, and they are good at it. Our side needs to remember that the truth and facts do not win you the hearts and minds of people, it is irrational emotional arguments that rule the day. We need to stir up our own shit and rile up people and cause all sorts of crazy to happen...

Or we need to stop rising up and getting all pissed at these morons and just marginalize them and stop taking anything they say seriously. We need our leaders to just ignore Fox News, no need to announce they are doing it, just do it. Ignore them, don't answer their questions, don't go on their shows, don't even send them press releases. Just stop dealing with them.

Next, choose one right wing nut as your enemy. Every good guy needs an enemy so choose one and fight with him and ignore the rest ...
Also, "Out-Of-Context Snippet Makes Andrew Breitbart."

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Rachel Maddow on Breitbart and Fox News

David Letterman and Rachel Maddow demonstrate beautifully how galaxies separate left and right:

RELATED: "The Other Side of Shirley Sherrod."

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

November Starts Now — Obama's 3:00 AM Fail

The new ad from the RNC:
Barack Obama's presidency has been a disaster. He is either unwilling to or incapable of doing his job. The economy is in shambles, the government is failing, and Americans are losing hope. Barack Obama was not ready to be President. He's not the solution. You are.

You have the opportunity to turn our economy, our government, and our country around by electing Republicans and restoring your voice in Washington. But to win this fall, we must start today. It's up to you to save your country. Are you ready? Because November starts now.
As much as I like it, I'm not sending these folks any money. It's going to take a lot more of Michael Steele sucking up to the base before that happens (or, memories of Dede Scozzafava are still quite strong):

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Matt Lewis Interview with Andrew Breitbart

At Politics Daily (via Memeorandum). I love this passage:
Q: How does the Shirley Sherrod story relate to the JournoList story where liberal journalist Spencer Ackerman suggested deflecting attention from the Reverend Wright story, which was hurting Obama, by wrongly accusing a prominent conservative of being a racist?

A: That collusion to slander by Ackerman -- and the sin of omission of the other 400 people on the list -- to abide by that calculated evil -- shows that we have a tremendous problem in journalism today -- and then they come and ask me about my tactics. I'm trying to end JournoList collusion that goes well beyond the [listserve's founder] Washington Post's Ezra Klein's 400 friends and collaborators, and that includes Politico and Bloomberg. Where are they firing people? Where are the questions about this monumental act of journalistic fraud? Where are the mass firings?

Monday, April 19, 2010

Andrew Breitbart on Nightline!

At Founding Bloggers, "Andrew Breitbart Interviewed By Nightline’s Terry Moran Outside The Whitehouse":


The interview's scheduled for sometime this week ...

Friday, March 12, 2010

Andrew Breitbart Interview at Wired

From Noah Shachtman's interview at Wired, "How Andrew Breitbart Hacks the Media":

Andrew Breitbart has been waiting 45 minutes for a filet mignon. He drums his fingers on the table in this plush Italian restaurant off Times Square, a place where the media types he regularly trashes used to flaunt their expense accounts — back when they still had them. Breitbart looks around for a waiter and launches into a stem-winder about collusion between Hollywood and the press — the “subtle and not-so-subtle use of propaganda to make a center-right nation move to the left.

“It’s not just the nightly news,” he says. “You’re also getting television shows that reflect the same worldview, where Republicans are always the bad guys. Al Qaeda’s never the bad guy. The Republican is always the bad guy.”

From anyone else, this would be just talk — or talking points. (No terrorist bad guys on TV? Really?) But Breitbart is one of the people who rams those points into the popular consciousness. Until last September, the beefy 41-year-old with graying blond hair was a largely covert power in the right-wing media, the hidden hand behind the popular Drudge Report who also, weirdly, cofounded the liberal Huffington Post. But then he struck out on his own. Today his collection of Web sites draws more than 10 million readers a month. He has a book deal worth more than half a million dollars, and he’s a regular presence on Fox News — where he’s headed later tonight, in fact. The covert thing is out the window.

The filet finally shows and Breitbart digs in, ignoring the risk to his mustard-colored sports coat. “The idea is that I have to screw with media, and I have to screw with the Left, in order to give legitimate stories the ability to reach their natural watermark,” he says.

After just a few bites of steak, Breitbart splits. He has a meeting on the East Side with his lawyer to prep for a hearing tomorrow. The Brooklyn DA is investigating the housing advocacy group Acorn and wants to talk to Breitbart about the infamous videos he spread all over television and the Internet last year that show Acorn staffers offering to help a man and a “teenage hooker” set up a brothel full of underage Salvadoran prostitutes. (The DA would eventually find “no criminality” in the actions of the Acorn staffers.)

Later that evening, Breitbart arrives at the offices of Fox News on Sixth Avenue. Host Sean Hannity greets him with a fist-bump and calls him “bruthah.” Doug Schoen, Bill Clinton’s former pollster, waves hello. Then the three of them walk into a cavernous television studio covered in stars and stripes. “Breitbart, you didn’t bring video tonight. What’s up with that?” Hannity asks as the cameras start rolling.

Breitbart smiles a little. “Oh, in the next year there will be more. More than we all can handle,” he answers.

Hannity extracts a promise for an exclusive. “This is changing the face of journalism,” he says.

Schoen pipes in: “It’s changing the face of politics, too.”

The taping ends with small talk and handshakes. Afterward, Breitbart heads downstairs to visit Greg Gutfeld, who hosts the Fox overnight show Red Eye. Then they meet up with Felix Dennis, the high-flying founder of Maxim magazine, and spend the rest of the evening at a midtown club drinking Cristal.

For someone who claims to hate the “Democrat-media complex,” Breitbart sure knows how to work it. Few people are better at packaging information for maximum distribution and impact. He is, depending on whom you ask, either the “leading figure in this right-wing creation of a parallel universe of lies and idiotic conspiracy theories” (that was liberal critic Eric Boehlert of Media Matters for America) or “the most dangerous man on the right today” (from Michael Goldfarb, Republican consultant and former campaign aide to John McCain). Breitbart is, in short, expert in making the journalism industry his bitch. “The market has forced me to come up with techniques to be noticed,” Breitbart says. “And now that I have them, I’m like, wow, this is actually great. This is fun.”
Awesome stuff -- and more at
the link.

Added: Some interesting spins on Shachtman at Memeorandum.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Talking Tea Parties

Via Dana Loesch, good stuff from Founding Bloggers, "Talking Tea (NSFW)":

These guys are the best!

Monday, February 22, 2010

ACORN: Closed for Business!

Andrew Breitbart is the man!

From Politico, "
ACORN 'Dissolved as a National Structure'." And from Allahpundit, "ACORN Dissolving National Structure Due to 'Damage to the Brand'." (Via Memeorandum.)

And check out some of my previous coverage of the story:

And my piece last summer, one of the very first local reports on this nationwide, "Orange County ACORN Office Shuts Down!":

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Andrew Breitbart is RAAACIST!!

Allegations of racism. It's all they've got, and boy the left's cobags deploy them with extreme regularity:

As noted at IOWNTHEWORLD, "Breitbart is the new Bush. The Left-Wing Media HATES him like olive loaf. Why? Because he’s better than them."

See also the Washington Independent, "Andrew Breitbart Meets Daryle Jenkins of the One People’s Project" (via Memeorandum).

RELATED: "Leftists Are Liars, and I'll Show You..."