Showing posts with label Conspiracy Theorists. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Conspiracy Theorists. Show all posts

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Daily Kos: The Real Killer Isn't Ebola — It's Republicans Who Block Medicaid Expansion

Tom Johnson, at NewsBusters, who reads this bilge so you don't have to:
In a Thursday post, Daily Kos writer Jon Perr alleged that Republicans’ refusal to expand Medicaid in twenty-five states “might be the greatest act of political spite in modern American history” and claimed, citing research published earlier this year, that it could lead to more than 17,000 “needless deaths” annually.

Perr contrasted conservatives’ cavalier attitude toward that statistic with the “virulent strain of right-wing outrage” over Ebola and asserted that Americans can strengthen their health-care system by voting Democratic in next month's elections, thereby “kill[ing] the GOPer virus dead in its tracks.”
As the election nears, the left's extremism is ramping up exponentially. They're going to get crushed, and it's hurting already.

You CANNOT Be Serious?!! The Left's Islamic State Trutherism

“It takes five people to stage an event like this — two to be ‘parents’ — two to pose for in a ninja outfit….and one to contact the media that does not bother checking who ANY of these other four people are.” --- Far-left whackjob Naomi Wolf, on Facebook.
See Ed Driscoll, "Out: Far Left 9/11 Truthers. In: Far Left ISIS Truthers."

Via Instapundit, who writes:
Sad to think that Naomi Wolf was a top adviser to Al Gore. We really dodged a bullet in 2000.
Man, did we ever!

Friday, March 21, 2014

'Cold War-Hungry Neocons' Stage-Managed Liz Wahl's Resignation from Russia Today? — ROTFLMFAO!!

OMG this is too much!

The epic Israel-hating scumbag Max Blumenthal posted a huge write-up to the communist rag Truthdig:

And hilariously Russia Today's picked it up and pumped the "neocon conspiracy" meme during its programming.

Hey, no doubt dreaded neocons are pushing for a bombing run on Moscow! World War III! We're on our way to a new clear day!

Meanwhile, left-wing whackjob Kevin Gosztola's been hassling Ms. Wahl on Twitter, even at one point misrepresenting himself as a reporter for Glenn Greenwald's First Look startup.

In any case, secure your tinfoil hat because there's more on this, from Dave Weigel, at Slate, "Your Guide to the Developing and Hilarious War Between RT and Neocons":
Yesterday afternoon I belately sat down with Liz Wahl, the former RT reporter who resigned on the air in protest of the Crimean incursion. We happened to meet up right after the left-leaning site TruthDig ran a piece that connected a bunch of facts that had never been concealed—for example, that the Foreign Policy Initiative was founded by Bill Kristol, and that Wahl's champion James Kirchick worked for it—so Wahl and I ended up talking about that.

A few readers have informed me that this controversy was impenetrable. Let me explain, because it's a deeply strange story and I'd hate for you to miss out.
Oh that is juicy. Keep reading! The suspense is excruciating!

And bonus! Here's even more lulz from Daniel Greenfield, at Frontpage Magazine, "Max Blumenthal Now Shilling for Putin":

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Max Blumenthal, a creepy fellow you may know as Clinton aide Sid Blumenthal’s son who caught some public attention for writing a book that even critics of Israel referred to as a selection of the Hamas Book of the Month Club, is going Full Greenwald.

After an anchorwoman for Putin’s RT propaganda network resigned, Max Blumenthal wrote up an “expose” claiming that “Cold War-Hungry Neocons” were behind it.

By “Cold War-Hungry Neocons”, Blumenthal means James Kirchik, a gay writer for the Daily Beast who was around 9 when the USSR fell.

Apparently a “cadre of neoconservatives” hungry for Cold War and Hot Dogs targeted a propaganda news network that 99 percent of its viewers only encounter while searching for dashcam accidents on YouTube…. “to deepen tensions with Russia.”

Forget invading Crimea. The real tension deepening comes from an on-air resignation.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to head down for a supply check in my underground bomb shelter, lol.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Disgusting Alex Jones Misogynist Attack on @Alyssa_Milano

So, on Twitter this afternoon Becca Lower tweets her post on Alyssa Milano's sex tape. It's a Funny or Die joint (and not really a "sex tape"). But I checked Google to find a YouTube copy and up pops this vile segment featuring the despicable Infowars assclown Alex Jones.

I'd rather not repeat all the misogynist slurs he flings at the lovely Ms. Milano, who for all her "liberal" views is a nice lady and an ambassador for Major League Baseball. She's cool on Twitter too.

In any case, Robert Stacy McCain long ago befriended Ms. Milano on Twitter. I suggested he might defend the lady's honor with a smackdown of the woman-hating Infowars ghoul. And so he has, "@Alyssa_Milano Releases Sex Tape as ‘Social Statement’ (Alex Jones Is Nuts)." To wit:

“War whore”? Alex Jones is a despicable conspiracy theorist who spent years pushing 9/11 Truther nonsense. At the 2008 Democratic National Convention in Denver, Alex Jones spotted Michelle Malkin at a protest and he started shouting “neocon” and a bunch of other stuff, which incited some protesters to start chanting, “Kill Michelle Malkin.”

If it hadn’t been for Charlie Martin and Jim Hoft being there to defend her, who knows what might have happened?

I’ve hated that dangerous kookball ever since, and the fact that Alex Jones is now smearing a liberal like Alyssa Milano (while, characteristically, ranting about the “New World Order”) goes to show just how little Alex Jones’s paranoid anger has to do with actual politics.

Alex Jones is worse than those idiot liberals who were raging because Alyssa Milano appeared on Fox and Friends this week.

If anybody needs rational arguments against the Syria intervention, I’ll be happy to provide them, but you’re not going to get any rational arguments from Alex Jones about anything.
More at the link.

And follow R.S. McCain on Twitter.

Barack Hussein Obama Planned Syria Chemical Weapons Attack as Pretext for War?

I'm just asking

The premise, in any normal presidency, would be outlandish.

But this administration is not normal. This administration is so shifty, so dishonest, you simply cannot blithely dismiss any reasonable hypothesis of Obama's deceit as conspiracy. This is especially true since the treasonous Obama "enemedia" has covered for this juvenile narcissist traitor since Day One.

So, with that let's leave it to Pamela Geller, who is second to none in debunking this administration's lies and treason against America.

Here, "Did the White House Help Plan the Syrian Chemical Attack?":
Yossef Bodansky’s sources reveal that on August 13 and 14, there was a high-level meeting in Turkey that included the al-Qaeda Syrian rebels, along with U.S., Turkish, and Qatari officials, in which the Obama regime planned a bombing campaign after a “war-changing” moment that was set to occur within days. This “war changing” moment, of course turned out to be the gassing of 1429 people, including hundreds of children, to be blamed on Bashar al-Assad.
Read it all. (Via Memeorandum.)

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We may never know the full truth. This current regime is itself a conspiracy on the American people, from Obama's Marxist-Kenyan roots, to the cover-up of his Weather Underground ties, to his hidden academic transcripts, to the Rashid Khalidi tape and Barack Hussein's backing of the terrorist PLO and Hamas, to President "Community Organizer's" ties to ACORN criminals and mobs, to the Fast and Furious gun-running murders, to the deaths of our American diplomats in Benghazi, to the backing of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, to the...

This list is f-king endless!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Behind the International Bilderberg Group

At Telegraph UK, "Bilderberg Group? No conspiracy, just the most influential group in the world":
Conspiracy theorists claim it is a shadow world government. Former leading members tell the Telegraph it was the most useful meeting they ever went to and it was crucial in forming the European Union. Today, the Bilderberg Group meets in Britain.

Also at Independent UK, "A Watford welcome for the Bilderberg group - the world’s most powerful club."

And here's the search for "Bilderberg" at Infowars.

It's interesting, to say the least.

The Wikipedia page is here.