Showing posts with label Guns. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Guns. Show all posts

Thursday, June 29, 2017

The Clenched Fist of Truth (VIDEO)

It's Dana Loesch, for the NRA, here.

And at the Hill, "NRA defends 'closed fist of truth' ad."

The NRA tweeted its support here.

(I'm not embedding tweets right now, as the blog's been loading slow. We'll see how it goes after few days.)

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Friday, January 13, 2017

Self-Defense Against Animals

An interesting piece.

At Instapundit, "NEWS YOU CAN USE."

I'm always worried about a mountain lion attack when I go on my big hikes at Peters Canyon.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

In the Mail: David A. Keene and Thomas L. Mason, Shall Not Be Infringed [BUMPED]

This came yesterday earlier.

It's a lively read. I read the introductory chapter last night and I really recommend it.

At Amazon, Shall Not Be Infringed: The New Assaults on Your Second Amendment.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Jeff Bridges on 'Jimmy Kimmel Live'

I'm on a Jeff Bridges jag, lol.

Watch, "Jeff Bridges Watches 'The Big Lebowski'."

My mini-review of "Hell or High Water" is here, "'Hell or High Water' is Great."

Linh and Marty Talk to Jeff Bridges (VIDEO)

It's Marty Bass and Linh Bui, of CBS News 13 Baltimore.

Watch, "Coffee With: Marty and Linh talk with Jeff Bridges about his new movie, 'Hell or High Water'."

I loved the movie.

My mini-review is here, with additional links, "'Hell or High Water' is Great."

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

'Hell or High Water' is Great

Following-up, "'Hell or High Water': Hollywood Makes a Pro-Gun Movie — Woot! (VIDEO)," and "Heading Out to 'Hell or High Water' in a Bit."

We saw it over at the Irvine 6 Theaters, next door to U.C. Irvine. That's an art house cinema now, but frankly, the movie should be playing massive multiplexes across the country. It's a classic, a much better movie that "No Country for Old Men," which won the best picture Oscar back in '08.

That's just my take, but "High Water" seemed so much more, well, real. It just seemed so genuine, like it was almost happening in real time right before your eyes. Plus, if you're a Jeff Bridges fan, don't miss it. He plays Texas Ranger Marcus Hamilton, and his sidekick, Alberto, is Native American. Leftists will hate the movie for the over-stuffing of racist Indian jokes, but Bridges delivers these with so much heart that you know Hamiton's doing it out of love for his fellow Ranger. And besides, Alberto lets him have it mercilessly a few times as well, so you don't feel sorry for him. Their repartee is actually a bundle of laughs in an otherwise serious --- frankly macabre --- modern-day Western.

In any case, here's another review, at the Hollywood Reporter, "'Hell or High Water': Cannes Review."

I hope this film does well during awards season. It should definitely be up for best picture.

Heading Out to 'Hell or High Water' in a Bit

I need to see a movie. I don't want to sit around all afternoon.

Following-up from the other day, "'Hell or High Water': Hollywood Makes a Pro-Gun Movie — Woot! (VIDEO)."

At the Los Angeles Times, "Jeff Bridges, 'Hell or High Water' and refining the modern Western."

I love Westerns. My dad used to say "shoot 'em ups."

Even the leftist Daily Beast is pleased with this one, "‘Hell or High Water’ Is the Bullet-Riddled Antidote to this Godawful Movie Summer."

Saturday, August 13, 2016

First Woman to Medal in Six Olympics Ignored by Media Because She's Pro-Second Amendment — Except She Wasn't

I love the Gateway Pundit, but sometimes the posts over there don't match reality.

Here's the entry, "FIRST WOMAN to Medal in SIX Olympics Ignored by Media Because She is Pro-Second Amendment."

Actually, Rhode was featured very prominently at the front-page of this morning's Los Angeles Times, "L.A.'s most unsung Olympian continues to excel in her sixth Olympics."

And lots of Rhode coverage in the MSM on Twitter.

So, let's just stick to reality, okay.

There's plenty of media bias.

In the case of Kim Rhode, not so much.

ADDED: From Ed Driscoll, at Instapundit, "OLYMPIC OIKOPHOBIA: ‘Little Known’ Olympic Shooters Snubbed by Sponsors While Media Play Dumb." That's a good point about the corporate sponsors bailing out on Olympics shooters, although again, there's lots of media coverage. It's just not as sensational as fencers in hijabs, or what have you.

'Hell or High Water': Hollywood Makes a Pro-Gun Movie — Woot! (VIDEO)

From Ed Driscoll, at Instapundit, "DID HOLLYWOOD MAKE A PRO-GUN MOVIE? Hell or High Water Features Armed Citizenry."

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Switzerland Sees Gun Sales Soar

This one's get a lot of retweets.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Leftists Outraged After Donald Trump Says Russia Should 'Find' Hillary Clinton's 'Missing' Emails


I had the press conference on this morning, but I was flipping back and forth between Fox News and CBS This Morning. It turns out we have a new outrage du jour.

See the New York Times, via Memeorandum, "Donald Trump Calls on Russia to Find Hillary Clinton's Missing Emails."

AP's got the comments at the video below.

And at the Los Angeles Times, "Donald Trump invites Russia to hack into Clinton's emails, an extraordinary step for a presidential nominee":
Donald Trump dared a foreign government to commit espionage on the U.S. to hurt his rival on Wednesday, smashing yet another taboo in American political discourse and behavior.

“Russia, if you're listening, I hope you’ll be able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” he said, referring to deleted emails from the private account Hillary Clinton used as secretary of State. “I think you’ll probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”

Trump made the taunt during a lengthy and unusual news conference in Doral, Fla., in which he also suggested the Geneva Convention treaties protecting prisoners of war are outdated, told a reporter asking a question to “be quiet” and said the fact that the Democratic National Committee may have been hacked was because foreign leaders lack respect for the U.S. government...

Also, the inevitable allegations of "criminal" statements, at the Daily Beast, via Memeorandum, "Donald Trump's Call for Russia to Hack the U.S. Might Be a Felony."

Heh, still more, at Hot Air, "Today’s liberal hot take: Let’s charge Trump with a crime for asking Russia to find Hillary’s e-mails":
I won’t pretend to know the ins and outs of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act but I will point out to you that Trump didn’t use the word “hack” this morning. He asked Russia to “find” her missing e-mails, which may sound like splitting hairs but would doubtless be flagged by his lawyers in court as proof that he wasn’t necessarily encouraging criminal activity. By “find” he could have meant obtaining them from a third-party who already has them. And he wasn’t talking about a prospective hack; he was assuming that they’d already harvested the contents of her private server years ago. He was encouraging a leak. The hack has, presumably, already happened...
More at that link.

And the last word goes to Katie Pavlich, on Twitter:

Democracy for America and the Progressive Change Campaign Committee Throw Alan Grayson Under the Bus!


Following-up from yesterday, "Alan Grayson Threatens to Have Reporter Arrested After Question About Domestic Abuse Allegations."

He better go easy on those threats. He's not going to have any support on the progressive left, lol.

At WSJ, "Liberal Groups Withdraw Support for Florida Senate Candidate Following Abuse Allegations":
Two prominent liberal groups withdrew their endorsements of Rep. Alan Grayson in the Democratic primary for a U.S. Senate seat in Florida after his ex-wife disclosed police reports containing allegations of domestic abuse on Tuesday.

Democracy for America and the Progressive Change Campaign Committee said in a joint statement that they were withdrawing their support for Mr. Grayson, the first rescission of an endorsement in the history of either group, after Mr. Grayson’s ex-wife released police reports to Politico alleging the lawmaker had abused her in a series of incidents from 1994 to 2014.

Copies of the police reports couldn’t immediately be independently obtained. A lawyer for Mr. Grayson said the reports were authentic, but didn’t accurately reflect what had occurred.

“This is more of the same nonsense and untrue allegations that we’ve heard for years,” Mark NeJame, an attorney representing Mr. Grayson, said Tuesday.

Mrs. Grayson wasn’t available for comment...
He's a bully and a blowhard. I hope he chokes on his own tears.

Democrats Completely Fumble National Security, Giving Donald Trump Huge Opening

The leftists in Philly have completely ignored national security. They won't even mention Islamic State.

Here's this from yesterday, at Politico, "PolitiFact: Democrats never mentioned terrorism on Day One of DNC."

That's a big mistake. Big. Even the leftist Washington Post is reporting the huge opening this gives Donald Trump.

From Jenna Johnson, "Democrats’ near-silence on national security may give Trump an opening":
PHILADELPHIA — Democrats opened their convention with an emphasis on inclusion and public service, and little mention of law and order or the rise of the Islamic State — a stark contrast to the Republicans’ focus on homeland security at their convention in Cleveland last week.

Hillary Clinton has made a strategic calculation to present an optimistic view of America and its place in the world as she is formally nominated this week. It’s a bet that voters will reject what her campaign calls the inaccurate fear-mongering of Republican nominee Donald Trump.

But some Democrats worry that the contrast could help Trump make up in rhetoric for a lack of traditional national security credentials.

“My hope is that people will see through this,” said Michèle Flournoy, a former senior Pentagon official under President Obama and a Clinton supporter. “It’s policy by bumper sticker. There will be some people who will find the strength of his rhetoric very appealing.”

None of the prime-time speakers on the Democrats’ opening night, Monday, dwelled on security in the traditional sense — either U.S. military readiness or safety on the streets. On Tuesday, many Republicans jumped to say that the threat from the Islamic State went unmentioned.

Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort sent this Twitter message Tuesday morning, using another name for the Islamic State:

“Clinton Mentions at DNC Last Night: 208. Trump Mentions at DNC Last Night: 96. ISIS Mentions at DNC Last Night: 0 (!!!)”

Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta was pressed Tuesday about the silence from Monday night’s lineup of speakers on a major issue in the minds of voters — terrorism.

“This is not a problem that is going away. It needs an intelligent and resourced and fulsome strategy, but the wrong strategy is to split away our alliances and to divide our country,” Podesta said at a Wall Street Journal luncheon here. “We need everyone in this fight together.”

Several Democrats said the structure of the convention is deliberate, with an initial focus on bringing the divisive primary contest to a respectful close, as well as on Clinton’s biography as an advocate for children and families.

Her national security bona fides and an examination of where the country stands after nearly eight years of the Obama presidency are subjects for later in the week, several Democrats said, although there is an effort to avoid much mention of Clinton’s onetime support for the Iraq War.

Clinton’s attempt to offer a sunnier vision of American leadership comes along with a concerted strategy to make the case that she is more knowledgeable and experienced on national security issues...

Democrat Party Operative Spills the Beans on the Left's Totalitarian 'Gun Control' Agenda


This is pretty crazy.

It looks like James O'Keefe has pretty much destroyed this lady Mary Bayer's political career.

At the Rebel Media, "“You say sh*t like that and people buy into it” Democratic delegate admits 'gun control' is code for wanting to ban all guns."

The woman's on video saying "you gotta elect Democrats" to pass "common sense" gun control legislation, which is really just a "bait and switch" to get a total "ban" on firearms.

Pretty wild.


And check this out, lol. Confronted with her own words and picture printed on a placard, she steals the sign and runs into a convenience store, protected by security.

Heh. Now that's classic a Democrat Party operative!