Showing posts with label Judaism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Judaism. Show all posts

Friday, August 1, 2014

Israelis Shaken by Scope of Hamas' Network of Cross-Border Underground Tunnels

Netanyahu is committed to eradicating the tunnels, and perhaps Hamas as well.

At the Los Angeles Times, "Gaza tunnel network threat leaves Israelis shaken":

Beneath the wheat and watermelon fields surrounding this farm community just outside the Gaza Strip lies a threat that helps explain the overwhelming public support in Israel for the war against the Palestinian militant group Hamas.

A little over a week ago, assailants dressed in Israeli military uniforms clambered out of an underground passageway about halfway between this hamlet of 400 or so people and a neighboring kibbutz, Nir Am. Israeli troops killed nine of them, but not before the attackers killed four soldiers.

The specter of such assaults via a large and sophisticated network of subterranean passageways has profoundly shaken Israelis long accustomed to a different threat from the coastal strip, that of rocket and mortar fire. Four such infiltrations have taken place since the start of the Gaza offensive, killing at least 11 Israeli soldiers and haunting the collective psyche.

"From this, you can't protect yourself," said Ruti Sheves, 64, who has lived in Kibbutz Erez for 40 years. "You don't have a shelter where you can run and be safe. You can't be safe from this."

Troops operating in and near Gaza have tracked 36 tunnels with dozens of access points, Deputy Foreign Minister Tzachi Hanegbi said Wednesday, as the Israeli offensive in Gaza entered its fourth week. Miles of passageways, many stocked with weapons and reinforced against explosions from above, pass near or directly beneath schools, mosques and hospitals, threading their way under some of the most densely populated terrain on Earth.

"We already finished destroying more than 22, and it's going on day and night," Hanegbi said. "We want to go as fast as possible."

Hamas for years has boasted that tunnels are an equalizer in an asymmetric battle. This week, Israelis were horrified by video Hamas released of an attack outside Nahal Oz, another farming community just outside the Gaza boundary, that left five Israeli soldiers dead.

Grainy but gripping, the attacker's-eye images begin underground, emerging to open fields and blue sky. Lasting nearly four minutes, the video shows the assailants — faces blurred to prevent identification — exchanging fire with Israeli soldiers. They stand over one body and fire repeatedly at close range. One attacker triumphantly displays a seized machine gun.

The army has countered with its own brand of tunnel video, releasing almost daily images of specially trained troops gingerly dismantling booby traps and uncovering dark passageways.

The presence of the tunnel network has long been known to Israel; one was used to stage the 2006 attack that resulted in the kidnapping of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit. He was held captive in Gaza for five years before being freed in a massive prisoner exchange.

But the underground grid's scope, scale and sophistication, which has become clear over the course of the current offensive, has caught many by surprise. Concrete-lined, with electricity and metal tracks for transport, the carefully ventilated passageways appear to have been designed as the conduit for both large-scale assaults and clandestine abductions. Israel says it has found "kidnap kits" consisting of handcuffs and tranquilizers in some of the tunnels...

The Hannibal Directive: Did Givati Battalion Second Lieutenant Hadar Goldin Blow Himself Up?

Israel's "Hannibal Directive" indicates that if an Israeli soldier is abducted he should blow himself up, rather than be taken into captivity.

Considering the case of Gilad Shalit, it's not clear if or when the directive is operational.

But with the developments today of Hamas rejecting the latest cease-fire truce, and the suspected kidnapping of IDF soldier Hadar Goldin, there's some chatter that the Israeli military operationalized Hannibal.

At Israel Matzav, "Report: IDF implemented Hannibal Protocol right after kidnapping, and Toronto's National Post, "Israel ... employs ‘Hannibal Procedure’ to bombard kidnappers’ escape routes — even if it kills captured soldier."

And from Phyllis Chesler, at Big Peace, "Did Kidnapped Israeli Soldier Follow IDF Hannibal Protocol, Blow Himself and Kidnappers Up?"

'Self-Righteously Suicidal Jews': J-Street Spinoff 'If Not Now' Reclaims 'Jewish Values from War and Occupation...'

Recall William Jacobson's post from a few weeks back, "“Self-righteously suicidal” Jews":
They ignore the reality of Jew hatred as a powerful motivating anti-Israel force.
Yes, it's all moral relativism with the self-righteously suicidal Jews, like "If Not Now, When?", a new leftist Jewish organization founded by Tammy Shapiro, the former director of J Street U, the student organizing arm of J Street.

Background at Forward, "J Street's Gaza War Support Wins 'Moderate' Praise — But Alienates Some Backers: Grassroots Peaceniks Take to Streets to Oppose Israel":
Turns out that J Street has "moderated" its peacenik position, issuing a statement recognizing Israel's right to self defense. And that didn't sit too well with the more radical former J-Streeters, like Ms. Shapiro: In New York, J Street did not co-sponsor a large pro-Israel rally organized by the Jewish Community Relations Council of New York, held near the United Nations on July 29.

Two hours before the JCRC rally, dozens of activists gathered outside the building where the Presidents Conference has offices to say Kaddish, the mourner’s prayer, in protest of Gaza deaths. The same group, #ifnotnow, had organized a similar action in the same space days earlier.

The effort was launched by four activists, two of them former high-ranking J Street staff members: Carinne Luck, who joined J Street before its launch in 2007 and left in 2012, when she was the group’s vice president of field and campaigns, and Daniel May, director of J Street U, the group’s university arm, from 2010 through 2013. A third, Max Berger, worked as a new media assistant at J Street. He was arrested with eight other protestors during the July 29 action after entering the lobby of the Presidents Conference building and refusing to leave.

Some of the arrested activists were held until midday the following day.

Other former high-ranking J Street staffers attended one or both of the #ifnotnow protests, including J Street’s vice president of communications and new media from 2008 until 2011, Isaac Luria, who wrote the 2008 Gaza letter that [Rabbi Eric] Yoffie condemned, and Tamara Shapiro, director of J Street U from 2009 to 2010. Simone Zimmerman, the national president of J Street U’s student board in the 2012-2013 school year, is #ifnotnow’s media liaison.

Some of the former staffers said that they didn’t oppose J Street’s long-term strategy but felt hemmed in by its tactics.

“I understand the strategy that J Street has adopted, and I think it’s fine to have an organization like J Street moving that strategy,” May said. “I also think that there’s a need for an approach that fits this moment.”

Others described a sharper split between J Street and their new group. “This group has come together because we don’t share J Street’s patience with the Jewish institutional community,” Luck said.
And live on Twitter:

Notice how they "reject" others who understand that Israel's right to self-defense is non-negotiable.

They need to read Time Rutten's piece, "Hamas Causes Tragedy, but Israel Gets Blamed."

Hamas Causes Tragedy, but Israel Gets Blamed

Perhaps the best, most concise commentary on the war so far, from leftist Tim Rutten, at the San Bernardino Sun:
As the philosopher Bernard Henri Levy has observed, the “spirit of Munich” is once again abroad in the world.

It is important to remember, though, that while the Munich spirit ended in appeasement — as it still may do in the Ukraine — it built on the Western democracies’ years of deceit, denial and self-deception concerning what was happening around them. Those three shameful qualities also characterize much of the international outrage and calumny now being showered on Israel over its heartbreakingly unavoidable incursion into Gaza.

As the civilian casualty toll in that unhappy strip of land climbs past 1,300, no decent person, which includes the overwhelming majority of Israelis, can regard the fighting in Gaza as anything but a tragedy. It is, however, a tragedy whose script was not written in Jerusalem, but in the furtive councils of Hamas, the terrorist clique that seized control of the area following the Israelis’ 2005 withdrawal. As a self-proclaimed Islamist organization, Hamas was an early adapter of jihadism. Its charter, which few of those protesting on its behalf ever will have bothered to read, still calls not only for the destruction of Israel and its replacement by an Islamic state, but also for the killing of all Jews. Since it’s seizure of Gaza’s government from the PLO, Hamas has held power by intimidation, torture and the assassination of other Palestinians. Note the absence of any international protest over that.

If Hamas confined its oppressive depredations to its own people, others might have grounds to insist on Israeli forbearance, but that isn’t the case. Over the past two years it has fired literally thousands of rockets and mortar rounds into Israel. If the Jewish State’s defenses were not so proficient and Hamas’ artillery skills so poor, we’d now be counting Israeli casualties in the hundreds, if not thousands. If an irredentist Mexican group seized one of Tijuana’s barrios and began lobbing rockets into San Diego, what would the American public demand our government do?
Well, it's not like we don't have pro-Mexican irredentists, heh. Maybe they'll start lobbing rockets into San Diego, lol.

More at the link.

The Times of Israel Retracts 'When Genocide is Permissible'

It's never permissible.

What idiot at the Times agreed to publication? Sheesh.

Oh, wait. The author, Yochanan Gordon, had the right to post with no editorial oversight.

At JTA, "Times of Israel, 5 Towns paper, remove posting pondering genocide in Gaza."

Mondoweiss reposted the essay, available via their Twitter feed.

And naturally, the "genocide" author Gordon has pulled his Twitter page.

And top trending as well.

 photo proxy_zpsb7f82a0d.png

Keep in mind, leftists are staging Israel genocide protests around the world but this umpteenth tier blogger causes a Twitter meltdown with his idiocy. The world is upside down.

The 'Third Intifada': 2 Palestinians Dead as Clashes Erupt in Hamas' West Bank 'Day of Rage' (VIDEO)

Intifada redux.

At the New York Times, "2 Palestinians Killed in West Bank Clashes":
Hamas had called for a “day of rage” on Friday in the West Bank in solidarity with Gaza. An Israeli military spokeswoman, speaking on the condition of anonymity under army rules, said more than 1,000 Palestinians participated in a violent protest in Tulkarm, hurling rocks and firebombs at troops and a nearby industrial center.

More, "As Gaza burns, some West Bankers are calling for a third intifada."

ADDED: More video, in Arabic, but just look at all the "protesters" all set up like jihad fighters and suicide bombers: Here.

'Terrorism 101': Hamas Handbook Gives Tips for Terror

Free Beacon reports, via Protein Wisdom, "Hamas Issues ‘Terrorism 101 Handbook’."

Time to Smack Down These Roaches!

From Wayne Dupree:

Secretary of State John Kerry Has Legitimized Hamas War Crimes Against Israel

A must-read essay from Charles Krauthammer, at the Washington Post, "Clueless in Gaza."

RT's Abby Martin Spews Anti-Israel Propaganda, Claims 'Human Shield' Used to Justify State-Sponsored Massacres

This woman is frankly bizarre, deranged even, especially given that Hamas' own spokespeople assert that Palestinian civilians are willing to die in the name protecting terrorist operations against Israel. See, "Hamas Caught Using Human Shields in Gaza."

Leftists can't rebut the facts so they invent their own version of truth. There are so many big lies coming out of the current self-defense campaign it's hard to keep up.

RELATED: At FrontPage Mag, "RT’s Abby Martin Hysterically Defending Putin on Twitter."

French Christian Decency and Hamas Evil

From Professor Michael Curtis, at American Thinker:
Goodness and mercy coexist with evil in the world. At a moment when the Hamas terrorists in Gaza have horrified the world with the extent of their evil in using Palestinian children as slave labor to build underground tunnels in Sinai and as human shields in Gaza in their strategy to kill Jews and eliminate the State of Israel, the chronicle of goodness and mercy by French Protestants heroically saving persecuted Jews during World War II in a small farming village is being retold.

The story of the courageous and noble 5,000 inhabitants of the village Le Chambon-sur-Lignon, located in the mountains of south-central France, 350 miles from Paris, has been told several times. It was remembered for its good deeds when it was honored in 1990 by Yad Vashem in Jerusalem as a place of Righteous among the Nations. The memories of those deeds are recalled in the new release of a revised version of the documentary film Weapons of the Spirit, written and directed by Pierre Sauvage, who was born in the village in 1944 and hidden there, and in a new book, Village of Secrets by Caroline Moorehead, that provides an accurate account of events, enhanced by personal diaries and interviews with survivors...
Keep reading.

Let's Stop a Rocket and Help Israel Buy More Iron Dome Anti-Missiles!

Heh, this is great.

At Instapundit, "CROWDFUNDING an Iron Dome anti-missile for Israel."

Toronto's Racist Rally Against Israel and the Jews

Worldwide racism.

More in evidence in Canada, via Blog Wrath, "Toronto Rally against the Israeli Jews with Sid Ryan, CUPE Fred and NDP Communists."

Thursday, July 31, 2014

VIDEO: Obama's IRS Targeted Pro-Israel Groups for Harassment, Denial of Tax-Exempt Status

At Jihad Watch, "IRS and Obama State Department conferred about ways to deny tax-exempt status to pro-Israel groups":

Obama ought to be impeached for this alone. He has turned the United States government into an instrument to punish his political enemies, and shows in this particular incident how deeply he hates Israel and how ardently he supports the “Palestinian” jihad. Obama and the Left seem bent on destroying what was one of the great achievements of the United States: the continued existence of a loyal political opposition that was not subject to violence or oppression, but allowed to operate freely and accorded respect, as it accorded the same respect to the majority. Those days are over. There is a single perspective that is allowed in the mainstream media, the educational system, and the entertainment industry, and now Obama has gone one step beyond that and endeavored to make a group’s legal privileges subject to its submission to his political line. Dark days, indeed.
Keep reading. Robert quotes the Wall Street Journal's editorial at length, "The IRS's Foreign Policy."

Hamas Solidarity Protesters Issue Death Threats Against Kedem Cosmetics Shop in Manchester, U.K.

Europe is a tinderbox of left-wing racism waiting to explode.

At the Times of Israel, "Protesters threaten British store selling Israeli products: Callers say they will kill Kedem’s staff and burn down the shop." And at Arutz Sheva, "Pro-Palestinian Thugs Threaten Israeli Store in Manchester: Kedem cosmetics store a focal point for anti-Semitic violence; owners face death threats over operation in Gaza":
Violent pro-Palestinian protesters have focused upon the Kedem cosmetics shop in Manchester to vent their rage at Israel, according to the Jewish Chronicle and Manchester Evening News - threatening the owners and Jews in general with death.

Here's the Manchester Evening News, "Jewish community suffering anti-semitic backlash in wake of Gaza conflict," and "Police make five arrests during city centre clash during Gaza protest."

Sixty-One Soldiers Killed So Far in Operation Protective Edge

At Arutz Sheva, "Five Soldiers Killed Near the Border with Gaza":

The IDF Spokesperson has cleared for publication that five soldiers were killed Thursday evening while performing operational activities near the border with Gaza.

According to the IDF statement, there was high trajectory fire (usually meaning rockets or mortars) towards the soldiers.

The names of the five have not yet been cleared for publication.

As well, the IDF said, 19 soldiers were wounded on Thursday as part of Operation Protective Edge. Their families have been informed.

Since the beginning of the operation, 61 officers and soldiers have been killed.
And at the Times of Israel, "5 soldiers killed in mortar strike; 3-day ceasefire to start at 8 a.m."

Obama Sides with #Hamas Against Israel

From Caroline Glick, "Israel, Hamas and Obama's Foreign Policy":
When US President Barack Obama phoned Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Sunday night, in the middle of a security cabinet meeting, he ended any remaining doubt regarding his policy toward Israel and Hamas.

Obama called Netanyahu while the premier was conferring with his senior ministers about how to proceed in Gaza. Some ministers counseled that Israel should continue to limit our forces to specific pinpoint operations aimed at destroying the tunnels of death that Hamas has dug throughout Gaza and into Israeli territory.

Others argued that the only way to truly destroy the tunnels, and keep them destroyed, is for Israel to retake control over the Gaza Strip.

No ministers were recommending that Israel end its operations in Gaza completely. The longer our soldiers fight, the more we learn about the vast dimensions of the Hamas’s terror arsenal, and about the Muslim Brotherhood group’s plans and strategy for using it to destabilize, demoralize and ultimately destroy Israeli society.

The IDF’s discovery of Hamas’s Rosh Hashana plot was the last straw for any Israeli leftists still harboring fantasies about picking up our marbles and going home. Hamas’s plan to use its tunnels to send hundreds of terrorists into multiple Israeli border communities simultaneously and carry out a massacre of unprecedented scope, replete with the abduction of hostages to Gaza, was the rude awakening the Left had avoided since it pushed for Israel’s 2005 withdrawal from Gaza.

In other words, in their discussion Sunday night, Netanyahu and his ministers were without illusions about the gravity of the situation and the imperative of winning – however defined.

But then the telephone rang. And Obama told Netanyahu that Israel must lose. He wants an unconditional “humanitarian” cease-fire that will lead to a permanent one.

And he wants it now.

And by the way, the eventual terms of that cease-fire must include opening Hamas-controlled Gaza’s borders with Egypt and Israel and ending Israel’s maritime blockade of the Gaza coast. That is, the cease-fire must allow Hamas to rebuild its arsenal of death and destruction quickly, with US political and financial support.

Until Obama made the call, there was lingering doubt among some Israelis regarding his intentions. Some thought that US Secretary of State John Kerry might have been acting of his own accord last Friday night when he tried to force Israel to accept Hamas’s cease-fire terms.

But then Obama made his phone call. And all doubts were dispelled.

Kerry is just a loyal steward of Obama’s foreign policy.

Obama is siding with Hamas, and its Muslim Brotherhood patrons in Qatar and Turkey, against Israel, and its Sunni Arab supporters – Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and the United Arab Emirates...
Keep reading.

Gaza Operation Continues as Israel Calls Up 16,000 More Reservists

At Telegraph UK, "Gaza conflict: Israel calls up 16,000 more reservists as US supplies army with ammunition":
Israeli call-up comes in face of intense international pressure to curtail operations in Gaza, where more than 100 Palestinians died on Wednesday – but US agrees to provide Israel with new ammunition supplies.

Israel mobilised 16,000 additional reservists on Thursday to bolster its forces waging military operations in the Gaza Strip that left more than 100 Palestinians dead in a day.

The call-up came after Washington announced it had agreed to restock Israel's dwindling supplies of ammunition despite its sharp condemnation of an attack on a United Nations school in Gaza blamed on Israel's army.

"The army has issued 16,000 additional mobilisation orders to allow troops on the ground to rest, which takes the total number of reservists to 86,000," an army spokeswoman said.

Israel's security cabinet, which met for five hours Wednesday, unanimously decided to pursue attacks against Hamas "terrorist targets" and other operations to destroy a network of tunnels used by the Islamist movement between Gaza and Israel, public radio said.

Public radio quoted Major General Sami Turgeman, the senior officer for the Gaza region, as saying that the destruction of militants' remaining tunnels into Israel could be complete "in a few days".

7 Facts About Operation Protective Edge

From the office of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu:

Anti-Semitism on the Rise in Europe

Following-up from yesterday, "ADL's Abraham Foxman: 'Anti-Semitism on the Rise' in Europe; Protesters 'Want to Harm the Jews...'"

Here's another report from CNN: