Showing posts with label Judaism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Judaism. Show all posts

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Abigail Disney Goes #BDS, Withdraws Investment from Israeli Company Over 'Occupation'

Abigail Disney, Walt’s great-niece and heiress, has just withdrawn her 12 million dollar investment in the Israeli Company Ahava because, she says, it is “stealing minerals” from an “Occupied West Bank.” Ms. Disney believes this violates both the 1970 Hague Convention and the Geneva Convention “by exploiting natural resources in occupied territories.”

Well—not exactly, and not so fast...
Continue reading.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

'Death to Israel' Pages A-Okay at Facebook: Not Hate Speech Under Social Network's 'Community Standards'

I was over there this morning. Blazing Cat Fur links to a "Death to Israel" page on Facebook, and it's still totally available at this hour.

At BCF, "Facebook says calling for death to Israel isn’t hate speech because it’s a country."

No violation of Facebook's "community standards," I guess. Or, well, communist standards, pfft.

Israel Facebook photo ScreenShot2014-07-30at102711AM_zps55d5d71d.png

Israeli Public Opinion Poll: Overwhelming (91%) Support for Operation Protective Edge — #IsraelUnderFire

It's almost unanimous support for Israel's war of self-defense in Gaza.

At Arutz Sheva, "Poll: Overwhelming Support for IDF Operation, Netanyahu":
Ninety-one percent (91%) of Israeli Jews support Israel's self-defense campaign against terrorism in Gaza, Operation Protective Edge, according to a survey published Monday - and just 4.2% believe the operation is a "mistake."

Over 1,000 people were polled by Dr. Yuval Feinstein, a Sociology and Political Science researcher at University of Haifa, on their opinions regarding the operation and other current events. All participants were Israeli, Jewish, and over 18.

The survey also revealed that 85% of respondents would only support a cease-fire agreement if Israel eliminated every Hamas rocket and destroyed the full network of terror tunnels before agreeing to do so.

Seventy-seven percent (77%) of Israeli Jews polled "very strongly support" Operation Protective Edge's airstrikes on Gaza; 17% "support" the airstrikes; and 4.5% had "weak support" for the airstrikes. Just 1.5% of respondents opposed the airstrikes on Gaza.

Similarly, 50% "strongly support" the IDF's ground offensive in Gaza; 28% "support" the ground campaign and 14% have "weak support" for the campaign. By contrast, only 9% of respondents oppose sending ground troops into Gaza.

Eighty-two percent (82%) of respondents "strongly disagree" with the statement "Israel launching Operation Protective Edge was a mistake"; 11% only "slightly disagree." Just 7% of respondents "agree" or "strongly agree" with that statement.

As to the operation's success, 74% of respondents overall believe the IDF is "achieving its goals" in Gaza; of those, 23% "very strongly agree" and 51% "strongly agree." Just 22.5% of respondents were neutral on the issue and only 3% believe the operation is failing.

Ninety-five percent (95%) of respondents said the operation has "made them proud of the IDF, the State of Israel, and the Jewish people," and only 2% disagreed with that statement...

For the rest of the world, if you're against Israel's self-defense operations, you're against the Jews in Israel. Man.

Still more.

Three IDF Soldiers Killed in Booby-Trapped #UNRWA Clinic

At the Times of Israel.

And at Yid With Lid, "Three Israelis Killed In Booby-Trapped Gaza UNRWA Medical Clinic. Where's The UN Complaints?"

ADL's Abraham Foxman: 'Anti-Semitism on the Rise' in Europe; Protesters 'Want to Harm the Jews...'

This segment aired a couple of days ago. Wolf Blitzer, bless him, tries to get Abraham Foxman to agree that the Jew-haters are "just a small segment" of the protests. Foxman's not having it. He's not sure exactly what's going on, but we're seeing "a new dimension" of outright left-wing racism, inflamed by European imams preaching "death to the Jews."

Foxman has never come off as hardline Israel-backing "neocon." In fact, he's often criticized as being soft on Islamic jihad. But he's emphatic here. An excellent clip:

Growing Backlash Against Celebrity Attacks on Israel

The Jewish Voice for Peace, the same useful idiots who staged the Seattle "die-in" this week, have organized a celebrity attack on Israel's right to self-defense, including some big names on the anti-American, anti-Israel left. See the press release, "Gloria Steinem, Chuck D, Jonathan Demme and Other Celebrities, Artists, Activists and Nobel Peace Laureates Stand Up for Palestinian Rights in New Video."

The video's here, "Freedom for Palestine: #GazaNames Project." Communist Angela Davis is the first far-left celebrity featured at the clip, followed by epic Jew-hating scum Roger Waters.

Meanwhile, Javier Bardem and Penelope Cruz have published a strongly-worded open letter attacking Israel. See the Hollywood Reporter, "Penelope Cruz, Javier Bardem Denounce Israeli 'Genocide' in Open Letter."

Ben Shapiro, at Truth Revolt, takes Hollywood Jews to task, "Hollywood Jews Ignore Hollywood Jew-Hatred."

But according to CNN, some powerful people in Hollywood are committed supporters of Israel, so speak out at your peril.

Heh, it usually goes the other way.

Gaza Civilians Lash Out at Hamas

Palestinians want a cease-fire.

Lisa Daftara, on last night's "The Independents" with Kennedy:

And here's her piece, at Fox News, "War-weary Gazans lash out at Hamas."

TERRIBLE! OUTRAGEOUS! Hamas Releases Graphic Propaganda Video of #Gaza Tunnel Attack at Kibbutz Nahal Oz

At the Jewish Daily Forward, "5 Israeli Soldiers Killed During Thwarted Attack on Kibbutz Nahal Oz: IDF Death Toll Rises to 53."

And at Arutz Sheva, "Five Soldiers Killed During Attempted Terrorist Infiltration."

Here's the propaganda video:

A longer, graphic version is here, "Hamas Posts Video of Deadly Attack on Israeli Outpost via Tunnel."

Democrat Alison Lundergan Grimes — #KYSEN: Iron Dome Defends Against Terrrorist Tunnels

Low-information Democrats.

At Free Beacon:

VIDEO: Newcastle 'Hamas Solidarity' Protesters Chant 'From the River to the Sea...'

"Palestine will be free..."

Because they plan on murdering the Jews.

Watch: "Pro Hamas / Gaza / Palestine protest in Newcastle city centre 26/07/2014." (Via Douglas Murray.)

The Genocide Libel

From Dennis Prager:
In order to justify killing Jews, Jew-haters throughout history made up libels about the Jews that were so awful that they justified, at least for the Jew-hater, the mass murder of Jews. The charge that the Jews of every age — not just some Jews at one time — killed God Himself was used by medieval Christians to justify mass murdering of Jews.

Then came another grotesque libel — what is known as the blood libel. Also prevalent in the Middle Ages, this charged Jews with kidnapping Christian children, sacrificing them and using their blood to bake matzo (the unleavened Passover bread).

Later libels against the Jews included the forgery known as “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” which purported to prove that Jews plotted to rule the world.

At this very moment, we are living through as enormous a libel — directed not against all Jews, but against the Jewish state: Israel is committing genocide of Palestinians and is, therefore, morally identical to the Nazi regime.

This libel is spread by left-wing radicals and by Muslims, especially in the Middle East. Some examples...
Keep reading.

Boston 'Gaza Solidarity' Protesters Demand Extermination of Israel

An astonishing photo-roundup at CAMERA:

The... hostility displayed at these putative "peace" rallies cannot be excused, justified or explained by the tragic deaths currently taking place as a result of fighting between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip. The underlying emotion at these rallies is hate toward the very notion of Jewish sovereignty and hate toward Jews who support Israel.

If these protesters were serious about promoting peace and human rights, they would have confronted the terrible acts of violence perpetrated by ISIS in Syria and Iraq, where thousands of people have been turned into refugees and hundreds, if not thousands, of young men have been murdered, and in some instances, have had their heads cut off.

These atrocities have largely gone unnoticed by the activist organizations that organized these days of rage in Boston. They have, however, held more than five anti-Israel rallies in the last month alone.

This is not about peace. This is not about justice. And it's not about human rights.

It's about hate.

And lots of it.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Heh, Reactions to Left-Wing Idiots' Seattle 'Die-In' Against Boeing

Heh, following-up from yesterday, "PHOTOS: Hamas' Useful Idiots Stage 'Die-In' Protest Against Boeing in Seattle."

Pat Houseworth was especially cracking me up:

Israel Rejects Hamas Cease-Fire Negotiated by Obama's Terror-Enabler John Kerry

From Josh Rogin, at the Daily Beast, "Inside the Kerry-Israel Meltdown":

On Monday, Secretary of State Kerry took to the podium at the State Department to say that he was working with Israel and Hamas to negotiate an extension of their temporary ceasefire.

“Today, we are continuing to work toward establishing an unconditional humanitarian ceasefire, one that…will stop the fighting, allow desperately needed food and medicine and other supplies into Gaza, and enable Israel to address…the threat posed by tunnel attacks—and to be able to do so without having to resort to combat,” Kerry said.

An hour later, the Israeli military sent a text message to all Palestinians to stay in their homes and resumed strikes inside Gaza.

The resumption of violence was the latest example of just how disconnected Kerry’s whirlwind diplomatic efforts have been from the combatants he’s trying to get to stop fighting. The Israeli government has been particularly vocal in its criticism of Kerry’s peacemaker attempts. But in the Palestinian camps, there has been public discontent, too.

Ever since Kerry left the region Friday for Paris, he has been scrambling to patch together a series of short-term humanitarian ceasefires: first 12 hours, then another 4 hours. He was working on an extension Monday when the two parties decided to move on and resume their fighting. Kerry seemed unaware—or unwilling to admit—that his latest plan for a ceasefire extension was about to be rejected.
And the fact is, Kerry was pushing the Hamas cease-fire. At Free Beacon, "Israeli Officials, Press Criticize John Kerry’s Ceasefire Proposal: Kerry 'completely capitulating' to Hamas' demands."

Naftali Bennett: IDF Operation 'Ripping Hamas Apart'

At Arutz Sheva, "Bennett: IDF Operation Must Bring Hamas 'To Their Knees'":
Economics Minister says war with Gaza terrorists 'ripping Hamas apart' and must go all the way; urges public to support PM's efforts.
Earlier Tuesday Bennett linked Israel's war with Hamas and Islamic jihad to the wider struggle against radical Islam.

“Radical Islam seeks to erase the Jewish state from the face of the earth,” he explained. “They do not seek a strip of land or a Palestinian state. Only our annihilation. [Ayatollah] Khamenei in Iran. Nasrallah in Lebanon. Haniyeh in Gaza. Meshaal in Qatar. All of the jihadist arms that are waiting to see how we respond."

'The Military Occupation of Gaza Can Continue Until the Military Threat Is Over...'

A great commentary from Alan Dershowitz.

And why is Marc Lamont Hill still on TV? God, I don't think I've ever heard him say an intelligent thing. And screw Peter Beinart. He's a freakin' embarrassment to decency. No, to humanity. Sheesh.

Monday, July 28, 2014

VIDEO: Five IDF Soldiers Killed in Gaza as Netanyahu Rejects U.N./Hamas Cease-Fire Call

At the Jerusalem Post, "Five IDF soldiers killed in Gaza as army death toll rises to 48."

Also at Arutz Sheva, "Names of Four Killed Soldiers Released," the Times of Israel, "4 soldiers killed in mortar attack, as PM says Gaza op goes on, vows to counter tunnels."

Four soldiers were killed by a mortar shell. A fifth died while fighting inside Gaza.

Poll: Young People Say Israel 'More to Blame' for Gaza War, Leftists Torn Between Israel and Hamas!

Young people are completely FUBAR, with almost 3-in-10 saying Israel is to blame:
Among Americans under 30, 29% say Israel is most responsible for the current violence compared with 21% who blame Hamas. Pluralities of all other age groups lay more blame for the violence with Hamas, than Israel.
Of course, conservatives and independents put the blame squarely where it belongs: on Hamas.

At Pew, "Hamas Seen as More to Blame Than Israel for Current Violence: Deep Partisan Divide in Reactions to Mideast Fighting."

And those poor leftists are torn --- torn! --- between blaming Israel and Hamas:
Liberal Democrats are evenly divided with 30% blaming Israel for the violence and 30% blaming Hamas. Conservative Republicans give more blame to Hamas than Israel by a wide 70%-6% margin.

PHOTOS: Hamas' Useful Idiots Stage 'Die-In' Protest Against Boeing in Seattle

These idiots might as well go to Gaza, where Hamas would use them as human shields.

At KING 5 News Seattle, "Israel protesters conduct 'die-in' outside Boeing."

And on Twitter:

Caroline Glick: John Kerry Pushing Hamas Cease-Fire Proposal While Waging Economic Warfare on Israel

Man, she's on fire. Secretary Kerry is pushing as "a cease-fire that allows Hamas to regroup."

She will get your blood boiling.

Stay with the video. Caroline's the best! The left is "opposed to Israel's existence."