Showing posts with label Judaism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Judaism. Show all posts

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Sheldon Adelson Thinks Donald Trump 'will be good for Israel...'

I think so too.

At the New York Times:

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Hatred of Israel and Jews Can't Be Separated

From Melanie Phillips, at the Times of London (via Mick Hartley):

The current uproar over antisemitism is truly a wonder to behold. For the past three decades and more, antisemitism was the prejudice that dared not speak its name. It was deemed to have been stamped out, other than among cranks on the far right.

Anyone rash enough to protest that the anti-Israel animus in progressive circles was a mutation of ancient Jew-hatred was told they were “waving the shroud of the Holocaust” to sanitise the crimes of Israel. There could be no connection. The left was institutionally anti-racist, wasn’t it?

On the contrary, the left is institutionally anti-Israel and the connection is irrefutable. For sure, many who loathe Israel may not be hostile to Jews as people. Nevertheless the narrative of Israel to which they subscribe is inescapably anti-Jew....

Among the educated classes, Israel, the target of decades of Arab exterminatory aggression, is almost universally presented as the villain and the Palestinians as its victims. Israel is held to be responsible for the absence of a Palestine state and thus the obstacle to solving the Middle East conflict.

The fact that the Arabs turned down proposals or offers of a Palestine state alongside Israel in 1937, 1947, 2000 and 2008, responding instead with terrorism or war, is ignored. The repeated statements of the Palestinian leadership that its real aim is to capture all of Israel are also ignored. It is never reported how the Palestinian Authority-controlled media and educational materials routinely incite Palestinian children to hate Jews, murder Israelis and capture every Israeli city.

Instead, Britain is told that the Israelis are child-killers. During the 2014 war in Gaza, when Israel finally responded to years of rocket attacks by launching airstrikes against Hamas, broadcast and print media claimed Israel was recklessly or deliberately killing hundreds of Palestinian children and other civilians.

In fact, as the High Level Military Group of western top brass told the UN last year, the lengths to which Israel went to try to protect Gaza’s civilians far exceeded the requirements of the Geneva Conventions, even at the cost of its own soldiers’ and civilians’ lives, and going further than any other nation’s army would ever do.

Yet the British public had been told, virtually without contradiction, that Israel had wantonly killed hundreds of children. Among those on the left now vowing to root out antisemitism, I didn’t notice any of them rushing to condemn that particular blood libel.

Last year, the Islamic adviser to Mahmoud Abbas taught on Palestinian Authority TV that Jews throughout history have represented “falsehood . . . evil . . . the devils and their supporters . . . the satans and their supporters”. The Palestinian Authority daily published an opinion article claiming that Jews “are thirsty for blood to please their god (against the gentiles), and crave pockets full of money”. Children were shown on TV reciting poems portraying Jews as “most evil among creations”, “barbaric monkeys” and “Satan with a tail”.

Progressive Britain never reports any of this. Instead, it amplifies the hate in its own intellectual, cultural and media echo-chamber.

Denying the legal and historical rights of the Israeli “settlers” to the land, it demonises and dehumanises them. When they are murdered by Palestinians, this is rarely reported on the grounds that they had it coming to them. Dehumanisation of the “settlers” leads inexorably to the dehumanisation of all Jews...
Hat Tip: EOZ.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Israel to Seize EU-Funded Land Projects, Demolishes Structures (VIDEO)

At Reuters, "Israel says will seize West Bank land; demolishes EU structures."

More at the Times of Israel, "Israel to announce major land appropriation in Jordan Valley."

And at the Los Angeles Times, "Israel plan could lead to more Jewish settlements in occupied West Bank":

In a move that could lead to construction of more Jewish settlements, Israel plans to annex 370 acres of agricultural land in the occupied West Bank near the city of Jericho.

The land has been under Israeli control since the Six Day War of 1967 and was already being farmed by members of the neighboring Etzion settlements, which are widely considered to be illegal under international law.

Formal annexation would continue a pattern of Israeli expansion that has been condemned by the U.S. and other world powers because it dampens the prospects for creation of a Palestinian state, which they view as the best hope for a lasting peace.

Israeli Army Radio quoted a defense ministry report describing the plan as “a very sensitive issue which will likely garner harsh critique from Europe and the United States, and of course from the Palestinian Authority.”

The Cabinet is expected to quickly approve the plan, which was authorized in a declaration signed Wednesday morning by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon, the radio station reported.

The defense ministry and the prime minister’s office declined to comment. But the Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories — the Israeli military body that oversees the occupied West Bank — confirmed the plan.

It would be the largest annexation since August 2014, when Israel incorporated nearly 1,000 acres in the West Bank in response to the nearby kidnapping and murder of three Israeli teenagers months earlier.

Palestinian leaders quickly condemned the new plan...
I'm sure they did.


Sunday, December 27, 2015

'Son of Saul'

I saw 'Son of Saul' yesterday at the Nuart Theater, in West L.A.

Saul is a sonderkommando at Auschwitz. He's among the trustee prisoners who prepare and clean the gas chambers, removing the bodies and sending them to the ovens, and then shoveling and disposing of the ashes. It's of course the most hellish, unimaginable setting you could think of, and that's part of the captivation of this film. It's shot with a super truncated, up-close focus, primarily on Saul, with the background very blurred, and images often fleeting, which is designed to foster the imagination of the viewer. I'd prefer a little more realism myself, although the method is indeed effective. The film's also fast-paced and the action seemingly busy all the time. Saul is to a point dehumanized by it. But he comes across a boy who just having been murdered, is being prepared for burning. Saul wants to save him. He wants to give him a decent burial, with the Kaddish from a rabbi. He takes the boy as his own son. That becomes his all-encompassing quest, all the time surrounded by the wheels of industrial-scale death. Again, that's what makes the movie riveting.

In any case, I first learned of the film from Joe Morgenstern's review at the Wall Street Journal, "‘Son of Saul’ Review: From Holocaust Hell, Piercing Art." (And see, "‘Son of Saul’: Not About the Survivors.")

Also good is Kenneth Turan, at the Los Angeles Times, "Review: Set in Nazi death camps, 'Son of Saul' is a powerful, immersive vision of hell."

And see an interview with the director László Nemes, from earlier this year at the Cannes Film Festival, at France 24, "'Son of Saul' makes waves at Cannes."

The official trailer is here.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Monday, October 5, 2015

No Room for Indifference on anti-Semitism

From Professor Michael Curtis, at American Thinker:
Actions speak louder than words, but nevertheless it is a welcome sign of change that the European Commission is holding its first annual Fundamental Rights Colloquium on October 1-2, 2015 in Brussels. Its theme is tolerance and respect, preventing and combating anti-Semitic and anti-Muslim hatred in Europe.

The Colloquium is not simply an opportunity for a widespread discussion of issues. Participants, governments, political, civil, religious, and academic leaders, are expected to explore concrete ways to combat anti-Semitism and anti-Muslim hatred. However, it should be said at the outset that while anti-Arab and anti-black attitudes are contemptible and should be opposed, they do not have the same resonance as anti-Semitism.

The need is urgent. A 2013 EU Fundamental Rights Agency survey on discrimination and hate crime against Jews found that more than three quarters of those surveyed felt that anti-Semitism, including anti-Semitism on line, has got worse in the countries in which they lived. It is surprising that about three-quarters of Jewish people do not report anti-Semitic harassment to the police. More correct and accurate data on the perceptions and experiences of Jews is essential if corrective action is to be taken. A related problem is that the number of officially recorded incidents is so low that it is difficult to measure a long-term trend.

Evidence is clear that a worrisome increase in hate incidents concerning Jews has occurred in recent years. Some of the recorded data is as follows...
Oh, there's plenty of evidence, but keep reading.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Two Israelis Murdered by Palestinian Terrorist in Stabbing Attack in Jerusalem

It's bad enough that Israelis are being murdered, but then the BBC whitewashes it with Orwellian headlines, "Palestinian shot dead after Jerusalem attack kills two."

They've changed the headline now, but see the Times of Israel, "Israel raps BBC for ‘unethical’ terror attack headline."

Plus, "Islamic Jihad threatens return to suicide bombing attacks."

And watch, at Arutz Sheva, "Funeral of Terror Victim in Jerusalem," and "Second Jerusalem Stabbing Victim Laid to Rest."

PREVIOUSLY: From yesterday, "Thousands Attend Funeral for Rabbi Eitam and Naama Henkin, Who Were Murdered by Arab Terrorists in Front of Four Children (VIDEO)."

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Daniel Thompson, Inventor of First Bagel-Making Machine, Dies at 94

This is an extremely interesting obituary.

I had blueberry bagels today, heh.

At the Los Angeles Times, "Daniel Thompson dies at 94; his invention made bagel a household word."

Monday, September 7, 2015

Edward Rothstein Reviews Timothy Snyder's Black Earth: The Holocaust as History and Warning

This is pretty fascinating, especially the conclusion at Rothstein's review, at the Wall Street Journal, "The Frying Pan and the Fire."

And here's Snyder's book, at Amazon, Black Earth: The Holocaust as History and Warning.

I'm not familiar with Snyder's work, oddly enough. He's got another important work on the Holocaust, with a comparative focus, Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler and Stalin.

If I read both, I expect I'd start with the most recent volume first and work backwards. And I would do so with the requisite circumspection. Apparently, as Rothstein points out, the trend in recent historiography is to posit the Holocaust as just one more case of genocide, something not that particularly unique, but instead the starting point for a genre, a genre of promoting "tolerance" at that. And when you push tolerance as a stand-alone ideology, you're more likely to end up in an altogether different place. More like the gulags than modern enlightened democracy.

But then, that's up for the reader to decide. So, go for it. Click through at the links and have at it.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Meir Ettinger, Grandson of Meir Kahane, is Held in Israel

Israel's religious extremists are extreme, and a serious problem.

At the New York Times, "Israeli Court Orders Meir Kahane’s Grandson Held in Crackdown on Jewish Extremists":
JERUSALEM — He has the pedigree: Meir Ettinger is the grandson and namesake of Meir Kahane, the slain American-Israeli rabbi considered the father of far-right Jewish militancy.

He has the record: For years, Mr. Ettinger has joined the radical group of Israeli settlers known as the hilltop youth in clashes with Palestinians and Israeli forces, leading to a ban on his entering Jerusalem or the occupied West Bank.

He also has the ideology: In a series of Bible-quoting blog posts that amount to a manifesto, Mr. Ettinger calls for the “dispossession of gentiles” who inhabit the Holy Land and the replacement of the modern Israeli state with a new “kingdom of Israel” ruled by the laws of the Torah.

“The key is not to seek to delay the explosion,” he wrote on July 22, “but to try to bring it on as soon as possible and on our own initiative.”

Amid politicians’ promises to crack down on Jewish terrorism suspects after the fatal firebombing of a Palestinian home on Friday, Mr. Ettinger on Tuesday became the name and face of what critics call a scourge on Israeli society. An Israeli court ordered him held for five days; the police said he was accused of conspiracy, membership in an illegal organization and “other things,” including “nationalist” crimes.

Shlomo Fischer, a sociologist at Hebrew University, said Mr. Ettinger was representative of a band of “violent activists” who “conceive of themselves as having a sort of charismatic, prophetic authority.” He likened it to the Jewish underground that plotted to blow up the Dome of the Rock in the 1980s.

“He doesn’t accept the validity of Israeli law, he doesn’t accept the validity of civic morality — all the restraining factors are weakened or gone,” Professor Fischer, who is also a fellow at the Jewish People Policy Institute, said in an interview. “When some religious, political ideal is violated, they believe that if they act as a spring to correct it or respond to it, then they have religious validity, they are duty-bound to act. Whatever it takes to correct the situation.”

It was unclear whether Mr. Ettinger was suspected of any connection to the masked men who witnesses said set fire to two homes in the West Bank village of Duma early Friday, killing 18-month-old Ali Saad Dawabsheh and leaving his parents and 4-year-old brother critically injured. That attack has been condemned worldwide and across the political spectrum in Israel, where the security cabinet on Sunday directed law enforcement agents to “take all necessary steps and to use all means at their disposal” to apprehend the arsonists and “prevent similar attacks.”

The cabinet specifically endorsed administrative detention — holding suspects for months without formal charges — a tactic used widely against Palestinians but rarely against Jews...

The obvious comparison is to how Muslim society's round up their religious extremists who commit terrorist atrocities, or not.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

False Dylann Roof Memes Started on Twitter

That would be false leftist memes on Twitter, naturally.

At AceofSpadesHQ, "Racist Terrorist Makes Us All Focus on the Really Important Things, Like Getting Stupidly False Memes Started on Twitter":
Of course, the real big news is that runt-of-the-litter angry loser's roommate says that Roof had been planning this attack, to spark off a racial civil war, for six months, and just got around to telling us about this, um, today, so, Thanks for the heads up, buddy!

Charleston Shooting Suspect Dylann Roof Was a 'Loner'

The kid's an emo-prog racist loner.

He was definitely not a classic Southern red neck, and he wasn't raised that way. Frankly, he's not fitting into the left's cookie-cutter "white supremacist" narrative. They never do, in fact. Virtually all the mass shooters in recent years have been leftists, to the one.

At the Wall Street Journal, "Charleston Shooting Suspect Dylann Roof Became a Loner in Recent Years":

About a month ago, Dylann Roof’s family was concerned. The once-quiet, bright boy from a middle-class South Carolina family was espousing troubling racist views.

“He apparently told people that he was involved in groups, racist groups,” said a woman who said she was the mother of Mr. Roof’s former stepmother. “He was kind and sweet and polite to my daughter. He didn’t even want her to know what kind of things he was doing. She told him she didn’t approve.”

Mr. Roof, 21 years old, was the son of a contractor, did well in school in early years and loved animals, his relative said. But he stopped going to high school and was adrift, she said.

“He turned into a loner in the last couple of years and no one knew why,” she said. “He just fell off the grid somehow,” she said. The woman was reached at the home of Mr. Roof’s former stepmother, who couldn’t be reached to comment.

Mr. Roof repeated ninth grade at White Knoll High School in Lexington, S.C., and left in 10th grade in February 2010, a spokeswoman for Lexington County School District One said. A month later, Mr. Roof enrolled as a ninth-grade student at Dreher High School in Columbia, S.C., according to Richland County School District One. He attended through May of 2010 but didn’t return, a district official said.

Police said Mr. Roof fatally shot nine people who had gathered Wednesday evening at a historic black Charleston church for a prayer meeting. They called the shooting a hate crime and said Mr. Roof had shouted antiblack sentiments at his victims.

He was arrested Thursday in Shelby, N.C. Mr. Roof’s last known address was in Eastover, S.C., a rural community about 15 miles southeast of Columbia, the state capital. The property has two homes, and people at both homes declined to comment.

Mr. Roof lived off and on with his father, Ben Roof, in Columbia, a family friend said. He described the father as a hard-working, friendly, churchgoing man who had recently expressed concerns about his son’s lack of direction, the friend said. He was trying to get his son to be productive, to stop playing as many video games and stay employed, said the friend.

The friend described the suspect as a lanky young man who looked younger than his age, and a loner who rarely smiled. “You could see that he was troubled,” he said.

The elder Mr. Roof has a racially diverse set of friends, and wouldn’t have taught his son racial intolerance, the friend said. “There are African-Americans over at that home all the time,” he said.

Police blocked off the Columbia street where the elder Mr. Roof lives, and he couldn’t be reached for comment.

Dylann Roof was acting suspiciously in the months before the shooting, according to a police report. On Feb. 28, he was arrested for drug possession at a Columbia mall, where the report said he was wearing all black and rattling employees at two stores with unusual questions about staffing and operating hours.

In the incident report, the arresting officer said Mr. Roof was nervous and said his parents were pressuring him to get a job, though he acknowledged he hadn’t asked for an application from the stores. He consented to a search, and the officer found an unlabeled bottle with multiple, orange-colored square strips in a jacket pocket, the complaint said. Mr. Roof said the strips were Listerine, but they were the pain drug Suboxone, for which he didn’t have a prescription, the report said.

Mr. Roof was released two days later from the Lexington County Detention Center on a $5,000 personal recognizance bond, said Maj. John Allard, a spokesman for the county sheriff...
And note this at the New York Times, "Dylann Roof, Charleston Suspect, Wore Symbols of White Supremacy":
On Twitter, a black woman named Kimberly Taylor who said she had gone to school with Mr. Roof wrote, “Dylann use to be a super emo, with long blonde hair and he was pretty quiet.” She was apparently referring to a type of music sometimes known as “emotional hard-core.”
Yeah, an "emotional hard-core" drug-addled Southern white supremacist loner whose father gave him a gun for his 21st birthday. Well, blow me down! FBI profilers will be stumped. Stumped I tell you!

PREVIOUSLY: "Dylann Roof, Southern Democrat Throwback, is Drug-Addled 'Wannabe Emo Anarchist' with Androgynous Haircut."

Charleston Shootings Undercut Hope Obama Brought for Better Race Relations

Hope and change came and went.

The country's most polarizing president fails in his long-forgotten pledge to unify the country against racial division.

It's a failed presidency. Obama's going down as one of the worst ever. Particularly sad to see him push the tired gun control narrative before the last rites were read for the dead. But that's the scope of things with the far-left Democrat Party these days. Political and moral bankruptcy, with the president barely able to phone it in before he leaves office in 2017.

At the New York Times:

WASHINGTON — The shooting massacre of a black pastor and his parishioners at a South Carolina church on Wednesday night once again confronted President Obama with a moment of racial turmoil in a country that for all its progress has yet to completely shed the burden of hatred and division.

After a series of police shootings, protests and riots, this latest eruption of violence reflected a country on edge and a president struggling to pull the American people together. Any hopes of what supporters once called a “post-racial” era now seem fanciful as Mr. Obama’s second term increasingly focuses on what he termed “the darker part of our history.”

In a pattern that has become achingly familiar to him and the nation, Mr. Obama on Thursday strode down to the White House briefing room to issue a statement of mourning and grief as he called on the country to unify in the face of tragedy. This time, though, the ritual was made all the more poignant because Mr. Obama personally knew the Rev. Clementa C. Pinckney, the pastor slain at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, S.C., as well as other members of the congregation.

“This is not the first time that black churches have been attacked and we know that hatred across races and faiths pose a particular threat to our democracy and our ideals,” Mr. Obama told a national television audience. “The good news is I am confident that the outpouring of unity and strength and fellowship and love across Charleston today from all races, from all faiths, from all places of worship indicates the degree to which those old vestiges of hatred can be overcome.”

If those words of optimism were belied by his own grim face and subdued tone, perhaps it reflected a certain weariness or frustration over the limits of his ability to change the nation he leads. While his own election nearly seven years ago once seemed to harken a new era in race relations, the events of the last couple years especially seem to continually mock that hope.

The racially charged killing of Trayvon Martin, the fatal encounters with police in places like Ferguson, Mo., Staten Island and North Charleston, S.C., and the upheaval in Baltimore have all served to put the nation’s unfinished business back on the agenda. By virtue of his own background, Mr. Obama has addressed them with a personal perspective none of his predecessors in the White House ever could. And yet easy solutions elude him just as they did them.

“Part of what I take from this is on the one hand the realization that this struggle still continues and despite profound change there is still profound hatred,” said Lonnie Bunch, the founding director of the National Museum of African-American History and Culture, set to open in Washington next year. “It is a fundamentally different country. It’s a country that has changed in ways that are amazing. But it is still a country that is still torn apart by race.”

Such a realization occurs at a moment when the president who responds with words of comfort and the attorney general who announces a vigorous joint investigation are both African-Americans.
Mr. Obama has spent much of the last couple years addressing race in a more expansive way than he did in his first term, because of stark events as well as because of the anniversaries of iconic moments in the civil rights movement. He has started an initiative called My Brother’s Keeper to help young Latino and African-American men, and he indicated that effort will be one of his primary missions after leaving office.

In the meantime, it seems likely that issues of race and violence will shape the conversation for the rest of Mr. Obama’s tenure as well as during the campaign to succeed him. Many of those aspiring to Mr. Obama’s job have been wrestling with how to address the nation’s persistent divide, and they weighed in about the latest violence with statements of grief and outrage...
Ed Morrissey has more, at Hot Air, "Obama: This kind of violence doesn’t happen elsewhere, you know."

Dylann Roof, Southern Democrat Throwback, is Drug-Addled 'Wannabe Emo Anarchist' with Androgynous Haircut

First of all, thank goodness the suspect is in police custody and unable to mount any new racist attacks.

The main story's at Charleston's Globe and Courier, "Suspect in Charleston church shooting arrested in North Carolina traffic stop."

And see "Charleston shooting suspect: White supremacy patches, Confederate flag, drug arrest."

Also at Memeorandum.

It turns out the suspect, Dylann Roof, is an ideological amalgam of old-line Southern segregationist Democrat KKK white supremacy combined with 21st century emo-progressive-anarchist sensibilities. Top that off with a horrendous androgynous emo bowl cut and a drug arrest, and you've got a poster child for new age leftist counter-culture abomination.

The guy is a product of the Democrat Party and contemporary moody emo-oriented pop-cultural leftism. As commenter firstHat points out at Althouse:
Sorry, that isn't the hair cut of a good ole boy. It's the haircut of an wannabe Emo Anarchist more interested in how he looks to the world than anything else. Waiting for the next shoe to drop (somewhere outside the earshot of the Main Scream Media no doubt).
All these pro-Obama leftists online whining about white supremacy need to take a good look in the mirror and face the logical outgrowth of their decades-long ideological agitation and hatred. From 1960s-era racial segregation to modern racist, Israel-bashing ideological extremism, the dude Roof is perfectly at home on the far-left of the political spectrum. He's a product of the left. He's a Democrat terrorist, just like the Klan terrorists of the Democrat Party South.

Democrat Party photo 99924bbc-5350-460e-8cc1-b7d3540470ed_zps91f59586.jpg

The kid is a classic leftist loser, stuck in the racist stereotypes of the Democrat Party South, with a confused androgynous moody identity. Turns out he was something of a loner as well.

I've never met a conservative like this, but far-left emo anarcho-progressives like this are a dime a dozen. Hopefully their parents don't buy them guns for their 21st birthday.

ADDED: According to Kathy Shaidle, an "instant classic," from Jim Goad on Adam Lanza and Sandy Hook, at Taki's, "Gunsville, USA":
Maybe those who claim they’re earnestly seeking an answer to Friday’s bloodbath should focus less on Gunsville and more on Pillsville. But right on the heels of their howling about NO GUNS came cries for MORE PSYCHIATRY. I don’t expect these remnants of 1960s ethics to ever blame drugs for anything. But what puzzles me is their newfound blind support of government. How did they turn from being the harshest critics of “The Man” in the 1960s to being his most brainwashed advocates today?

It’s also mildly amusing/disturbing how closely all the nerdy, medicated, spree-killing geeks resemble the progressive pundits who are caterwauling for unilateral disarmament of the citizenry. They look nothing like the fat and hairy—yet unmistakably male—Georgia hilljacks who milled around the gun show in Gainesville. And although I’m supposed to fear those “angry white males,” I felt far less hostility emanating from the convention floor than I do whenever I’m around leftist girly-boys.