Showing posts with label Judaism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Judaism. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Comedy Central Backs Daily Show's Trevor Noah After Questionable Tweets

This dude's a real piece of work.


I doubt Comedy Central's going to be able to stay with this f-ker too much longer. He's definitely racist and radioactive.

And see Jon Gabriel, at Ricochet, "‘Daily Show’ Names New Host, Outrrrage Ensues."

Also at Twitchy, "New ‘Daily Show’ host Trevor Noah deletes tweet responding to controversy surrounding his hiring [screenshot]." Man, the dude must have been up all night hitting that delete key, lol!

Still more at NewsBusters, "New Daily Show Host Joked U.S. Worse Than Apartheid South Africa."

Plus, from the idiots at Salon, "Trevor Noah in our crazy birther age: Right-wing rage at “The Daily Show” is about to get very, very ugly."

Yes, because to be rightfully upset with voluminous misogyny and anti-Semitism is so "right-wing."

Friday, March 6, 2015

Monday, February 16, 2015

Anti-Semitic Graffiti Sprayed on Dozens of Wisconsin Homes (VIDEO)

Well, it's Madison, one of the most leftist "progressive" cities in the country.

Thus no surprise that leftist storm-troopers are laying the foundations for a progressive Kristallnacht.

At Truth Revolt, "Dozens of Wisconsin Homes Vandalized with Anti-Semitic Graffiti":
"F*** Jews," swastikas among "troubling" messages painted on 30 homes.

More at Gateway Pundit, "Thirty Madison, Wisconsin Homes Spray-painted with Anti-Semitic Slurs."

Friday, January 30, 2015

Return of Eliminationist Anti-Semitism in Europe is Return to the Norm

Once again, from the awesome Charles Krauthammer, "Do we really mean ‘never again’?":
Amid the ritual expressions of regret and the pledges of “never again” on Tuesday’s 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, a bitter irony was noted: Anti-Semitism has returned to Europe. With a vengeance.

It has become routine. If the kosher-grocery massacre in Paris hadn’t happened in conjunction with Charlie Hebdo, how much worldwide notice would it have received? As little as did the murder of a rabbi and three children at a Jewish school in Toulouse. As little as did the terror attack that killed four at the Jewish Museum in Brussels.

The rise of European anti-Semitism is, in reality, just a return to the norm. For a millennium, virulent Jew-hatred — persecution, expulsions, massacres — was the norm in Europe until the shame of the Holocaust created a temporary anomaly wherein anti-Semitism became socially unacceptable.

The hiatus is over. Jew-hatred is back, recapitulating the past with impressive zeal. Italians protesting Gaza handed out leaflets calling for a boycott of Jewish merchants. As in the 1930s. A widely popular French comedian has introduced a variant of the Nazi salute. In Berlin, Gaza brought out a mob chanting, “Jew, Jew, cowardly pig, come out and fight alone!” Berlin, mind you.

European anti-Semitism is not a Jewish problem, however. It’s a European problem, a stain, a disease of which Europe is congenitally unable to rid itself.

From the Jewish point of view, European anti-Semitism is a sideshow. The story of European Jewry is over. It died at Auschwitz. Europe’s place as the center and fulcrum of the Jewish world has been inherited by Israel. Not only is it the first independent Jewish commonwealth in 2,000 years. It is, also for the first time in 2,000 years, the largest Jewish community on the planet.

The threat to the Jewish future lies not in Europe but in the Muslim Middle East, today the heart of global anti-Semitism, a veritable factory of anti-Jewish literature, films, blood libels and calls for violence, indeed for another genocide.

The founding charter of Hamas calls not just for the eradication of Israel but for the killing of Jews everywhere. Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah welcomes Jewish emigration to Israel — because it makes the killing easier: “If Jews all gather in Israel, it will save us the trouble of going after them worldwide.’’ And, of course, Iran openly declares as its sacred mission the annihilation of Israel...
These are just plain facts, spoken plainly.

Keep reading.

PREVIOUSLY: "Pat Condell: Jews in Europe Report Surge in Anti-Semitism."

Saturday, January 24, 2015

'This summer, it is offering an activist lawyer’s training seminar, with an agenda that includes combating boycotts of Israeli products and defending Israeli soldiers against charges of war crimes...'

"It" would be Shurat HaDin, the Israeli legal firm of audacious legal campaigner Nitsana Darshan-Leitner.

Heh, you gotta love this lady's chutzpah.

At the New York Times, "Crusading for Israel in a Way Some Say Is Misguided."

Misguided? Shoot, I'm tickled pink by the awesome Ms. Darshan-Leitner.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

VIDEO: Palestinian Man Stabs Israelis in Tel Aviv Attack (GRAPHIC)

Elise Labott has the report at CNN below. At the clip, the attacker sinks his knife into a woman quite deep. He has to yank on it to get it to pull back out. Sickening.

And see the New York Times, via Memeorandum, "Palestinian Man Stabs Israelis on Bus in Tel Aviv, Police Say."

And see the Times of Israel, "Hamas leaders praise Tel Aviv stabbing as ‘heroic’":

Cartoon depicting bloodied knife colored as the Palestinian flag zooms around the Internet.

Hamas leaders on Wednesday took to social media to praise a stabbing attack in Tel Aviv that morning, expressing hopes that similar attacks will follow.

Three weeks after an instructional video on stabbing attributed to Hamas emerged online, movement members gleefully extolled the bus assault, heralding it as a sign of things to come.

“A morning of resistance, a morning for the nation,” wrote Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum on his Facebook page, above a photo of a black-handled combat knife lying on the pavement encircled by police tape.

Gaza-based Hamas official Husam Badran praised the act on Facebook as “extraordinary” and called for more “acts of resistance” either by individuals or groups.

Izzat al-Rishq, a member of Hamas’s political bureau based in Qatar, called the attack “heroic and brave,” adding that it is “the natural response to the crimes of the occupation and its terror against our people.”
Spoken like true "peace partners."

Also, "Tel Aviv stabber wanted to ‘reach paradise’." Of course. It's was a jihad martyrdom attack.

Plus, bloody video of the jihadist, "Tel Aviv Terrorist After his Arrest."

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

No Myth: The Urgent Reality of Dangerous French 'No-Go Zones' (VIDEO)

Seems to me that left and right could come together on the problem of the French "no-go zones."

Frankly, the fact that French Arab and North African Muslims often reside in dangerous ethnic enclaves would challenge treasured leftist ideals of assimilation and upward mobility. And it's not like the problem of Muslim segregation in France is anything new. Anyone remotely familiar with French politics would have long recognized the banlieues as distinct demographic areas notorious for crime and unrest. Indeed, the day after the Paris attacks, Donald Morrison commented on the banlieues as "no-go zones" at the left-wing New Republic:
Visitors to Paris—and there are plenty in this, the world’s most beautiful city (I’m biased; I’ve lived here a decade)—sometimes stumble across the neighborhood where Charlie Hebdo’s offices are located. It’s an agreeable part of town, not far from the Place de la Bastille, with a Brooklyn-y mix of workers and hipsters, traditional shops and trendy bistros. Like the rest of central Paris, it is mostly white and prosperous.

It's also vastly unlike what you might call the real Paris, the tourist-free area where 80 percent of Parisians live: that doughnut of banlieues, on the other side of the Périphérique ring road. The word banlieue ("suburb") now connotes a no-go zone of high-rise slums, drug-fueled crime, failing schools and poor, largely Muslim immigrants and their angry offspring. The banlieues erupted in 1981 and in 2005, when rioters burned hundreds of cars and President Nicolas Sarkozy threatened to clean out the area with a high-pressure hose. He did not mention that the vast majority of its residents are French citizens, speak perfect French and, unlike his father, were born in France.

It is there, and in the banlieues that blight other French cities, that attention is likely to focus once the shock of this week’s attack subsides. Early reports have pointed to two men as suspects-at-large: brothers Chérif Kouachi, 32, and Said Kouachi, 34. That they were born in Paris will spare them no scorn. The incident comes as France is tearing itself apart over questions of immigration and identity. The United States and much of Europe are having similar debates; in France, the fight is intensified by a toxic mix of politics and history, idealism and ideology...
Keep reading, but you get the picture.

Shoot, the French government established official "sensitive urban zones" as distinct demographic zones in 1996. These are discussed in official French sources, for example, at the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies, "Sensitive urban zone / ZUS." And at the SIG du Secrétariat Général du Comité Interministériel, "Atlas des Zones urbaines sensibles (Zus)."

And see the Christian Broadcasting Network report from almost a year ago, "Native French Under Attack in Muslim Areas":

PARIS -- Violent crime can happen anywhere and to anyone and for many reasons, but in Muslim-controlled parts of France, it has become especially dangerous to be white.

Surveillance camera video shows white French being beaten up by predominantly Muslim immigrant gangs in the Metro and on the street.

Islamic immigrants consider it their territory and whites enter at their own risk. The French call them "sensitive urban zones" -- no-go zones where the police don't enter or don't enforce the law.

Some call them little Muslim caliphates inside the borders of France.

"And it's like that because these parts of the country are in the hands of drug traffickers, gangs and imams [Islamic leaders]," French commentator Guy Milliere explained.

A French report says almost 1 in 5 French have been victims of racist insults or worse. A few cases have even gone to trial.

"Some of those who launch racist attacks on whites use Islam as the reason they do it. They may not even speak Arabic, but they still use Islam as a 'flag,'" Tarik Yildiz, a French sociologist, said.

Yildiz, author of the book, Anti-White Racism, is not native French but is the son of Turkish immigrants.

"My book is viewed as politically incorrect and breaks a taboo: the idea that immigrants could oppress whites," Yildez said.
And still more, from Soren Kern, at the Gatestone Institute, "European 'No-Go' Zones: Fact or Fiction? Part 1: France."

But of course none of this will suffice for the radical, terror-enabling leftists now demonizing Fox News for speaking the truth to the no-go zones. It turns out French television mocked Fox, and now the Mayor of Paris Anne Hidalgo says she will sue the network for defamation. See Politico, "City of Paris to sue Fox News," and CNN, via Memeorandum, "Paris mayor: We intend to sue Fox News."

Where you stand on this depends on where you sit ideologically. Leftists don't believe in hard factual reality. Anything that exposes their socialist shibboleths has to be destroyed, and hence Fox News is demonized and the reality of violent hardscrabble Muslim enclaves must be flushed in a postmodern avalanche of lies. Robert Spencer comments, "Paris Mayor says she will sue Fox News over No-Go Zones coverage":
Anne Hidalgo sounds here very much like the Islamic supremacists who regularly barbecue cars on Paris streets: Paris has been insulted. Its honor has been impugned. Therefore she wants to take Fox News to court. That would be a very interesting lawsuit: in its defense, Fox could call David Ignatius, who wrote in the New York Times in April 2002: “Arab gangs regularly vandalize synagogues here, the North African suburbs have become no-go zones at night, and the French continue to shrug their shoulders.” Fox could also call Newsweek, which reported in November 2005 that “according to research conducted by the government’s domestic intelligence network, the Renseignements Generaux, French police would not venture without major reinforcements into some 150 ‘no-go zones’ around the country–and that was before the recent wave of riots began on Oct. 27.” The New Republic could also testify in support of Fox, as it wrote just last week: “The word banlieue (‘suburb’) now connotes a no-go zone of high-rise slums, drug-fueled crime, failing schools and poor, largely Muslim immigrants and their angry offspring.”

But now the mainstream media, and Anne Hidalgo, have decided that Fox made up the whole idea of No-Go Zones in France, and Fox is going to have to take the fall. That Fox already took the fall, with its ill-considered apology, makes this legal threat even more absurd. But if the suit does go forward, Fox should request a change of venue — to a banlieue, and invite Mayor Hidalgo to take a walk through it with hair uncovered, at night.

VIDEO: Jesse Watters at the 'Stand with the Prophet' Summit

At Atlas Shrugs, "VIDEO Jesse Watters at the 'Stand with the Prophet' Summit: 'Why are stonings and beheadings tolerated?' 'Because that's what we believe, it says in the Qur'an'":

Jesse Watters photo B7xA3TiCUAEFEI6_zpsd4080332.jpg
Earlier today I posted that "English-sounding" and "Jewish" names were purged from "Stand With the Prophet" the attendance rolls. Media was banned - but enemedia errand boys who called the anti-free speech conference a "peace conference" were allowed in for 20 minutes. One of these reporters whose press credentials were refused. He bought tickets as well but entry was denied. Watch this video with Muslims outside the conference.

I love the Muslima who claims they have "lots of anti-jihad conferences". Really? She must be mixing that up with my conferences.

Great report.
Watch it at the link.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Jihad in France: It's Just Beginning

From Guy Millière, at Gatestone:
The demonstration gathered nearly four million people, but seeing in it a mobilization against terrorism, jihad and anti-Semitism would be a mistake.

The Ambassador of Saudi Arabia attended, shortly after his nation had just finished flogging the young blogger Raif Badawi with the first 50 lashes of his 1000 lash sentence. Badawi is being flayed alive -- "very severely," the lashing order said. He has 950 lashes to go.

Mahmoud Abbas, the President of Palestinian unity government, which includes Hamas and supports jihadist terrorism as well as genocide, was at the forefront -- smiling. Israel's Prime Minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, was originally not invited. He came anyhow. He was told not to speak. He spoke anyhow. As a sign of disapproval, French officials left before his speech.

Although six Jews were among the seventeen victims, the anti-Semitic dimension of the attacks was barely spoken about.

The words "Islam" and "jihadist" were not mentioned. President François Hollande said, against all evidence, "Those who committed these acts have nothing to do with Islam."

Few Muslims came. They stated their only concern: "Avoid stigmatization of the Muslim community!"

Anyone who watches television and sees what is happening in many Muslim countries has to be doubting that Islam is peaceful.

Several polls show that more than 70% of the French think Islam is incompatible with democracy and Western civilization. Those polls predate the attacks...
Well, it's not technically the "beginning," although it's certainly not the end.

That's the conclusion of Time's David Von Drehle, at this week's cover story (behind the paywall), "The European Front."

The Answer to French Anti-Semitism

I was looking for a response from Caroline Glick after the January 7th attack, but it turns out she must have been taking some time off from her commentaries at the Jerusalem Post.

So, here she comes now with a piece up from Friday, at her blog:
January 16 is the nine-year anniversary of the beginning of the Ilan Halimi disaster.

On January 16, 2006, Sorour Arbabzadeh, the seductress from the Muslim anti-Jewish kidnapping gang led by Youssouf Fofana, entered the cellphone store where Halimi worked and set the honey trap.

Four days later, Halimi met Arbabzadeh for a drink at a working class bar and agreed to walk her home. She walked him straight into an ambush. Her comrades beat him, bound him and threw him into the trunk of their car.

They brought Halimi to a slum apartment and tortured him for 24 days and 24 nights before dumping him, handcuffed, naked, stabbed and suffering from third degree burns over two-thirds of his body, at a railway siding in Paris.

He died a few hours later in the hospital.

In an impassioned address to the French parliament on Tuesday, Prime Minister Manuel Valls gave a stirring denunciation of anti-Semitism, and demanded that his people stop treating it as someone else’s problem.

In his words, “Since Ilan Halimi in 2006… anti-Semitic acts in France have grown to an intolerable degree. The words, the insults, the gestures, the shameful attacks… did not produce the national outrage that our Jewish compatriots expected.”

Valls insisted that France needs to protect its Jewish community, lest France itself be destroyed.

“Without its Jews France would not be France, this is the message we have to communicate loud and clear. We haven’t done so. We haven’t shown enough outrage. How can we accept that in certain schools and colleges the Holocaust can’t be taught? How can we accept that when a child is asked, ‘Who is your enemy?’ the response is ‘The Jew?’ When the Jews of France are attacked France is attacked, the conscience of humanity is attacked. Let us never forget it.”

Valls words were uplifting. But it is hard to see how they change the basic reality that the Jews of France face.

When all is said and done, it is their necks on the line while humanity’s conscience is merely troubled.

Ilan Halimi’s case is more or less a textbook case of the impossible reality French Jewry faces. And, as Valls noted, the situation has only gotten worse in the intervening nine years. Much worse.

But back when things were much better, Ilan Halimi was kidnapped, tortured for 24 days and murdered. As Tablet online magazine’s Marc Weitzmann reported last September in an in-depth summary of ordeal, the gang that perpetrated the atrocity had been hunting for Jewish victims for several weeks before Arbabzadeh set her trap for Halimi. All their previous attempts had failed. Their previous marks included Jewish doctors, lawyers, television directors and human rights activists, as well as Jews of no particular distinction aside from the fact that they were Jews.

The anti-Jewish nature of the gang was clear from its chosen victims. The anti-Semitic nature of their atrocious crime against Halimi was obvious from the first time they contacted his mother, Ruth Halimi, demanding ransom for his release. They made anti-Jewish slurs in all their communications with her.  And as she heard her sons tortured cries in the background, Ruth was subjected to his torturers’ recitation of Koranic verses.

And yet, throughout the period of his captivity, French authorities refused to consider the anti-Jewish nature of the crime, and as a result, refused to treat the case as life threatening or urgent.

The same attitude continued well after Halimi was found. As Weitzmann noted, the investigative magistrate insisted “There isn’t a single element to allow one to attach this murder to an anti-Semitic purpose or an anti-Semitic act.”

The denial went on through the 2009 trials of the 29 kidnappers and their accomplices. Anti-Semitism was listed as an aggravating circumstance of the crime – and as such, a cause for harsher sentencing – only for the gang leader Fofana. And in the end, even for him, the judges did not take it into account at sentencing.

As for those 29 kidnappers and accomplices, as Weitzmann notes, each one of them had a circle of friends and family. As a consequence, by a one reporters’ conservative estimate, at least 50 people were aware of the crime and where Halimi was being held, while he was being held. And not one of them called the police. Not one of them felt moved to make a call that could save the life of a Jew.

After the fact, the media in France were happy to publish articles by the torturers’ defense lawyers insisting, “Only people motivated by ‘political reasons’ would try to sell the opinion that anti-Semitism is eating away at French society.”

When the Halimi family lawyer boasted of close ties to the government and announced he would appeal the sentences of the perpetrators if he didn’t think their punishments were sufficient, the French media eagerly shifted the conversation from the torture and murder of a Parisian who just happened to be a Jew by a band of sadists who just happened to be Muslims, to the more comfortable narrative of the Jewish lobby and Jewish power.

So, too, when Halimi, and six years later when the three children and the rabbi massacred at Otzar Hatorah Jewish day school in Toulouse, were brought to Israel for burial, the media reported their families’ decision in a negative way hinting that it was evidence of the basic disloyalty, or otherness of the Jews of France.

In other words, what Halimi’s murder exposed is that anti-Semitism in France is systemic...
Still more.

You can guess her answer to French anti-Semitism.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Rosie Gray in Paris

Ms. Gray, a BuzzFeed reporter, was in Paris yesterday for the unity rally.

Bosch Fawstin's Muhammad

For a while, I had reposting privileges from Mr. Fawstin, but then he started making so much money for his drawings, he had to rescind the offer.

He's good:

'The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam...'

As lots of folks have been reminding us over the weekend, recall the president's infamous prophecy of doom, delivered at the United Nations, September 25, 2012:

And at Politico, "Barack Obama’s French kiss-off":
Barack Obama n’est pas Charlie — or at least, he wasn’t this weekend.

Don’t look for the president or vice president among the photos of 44 heads of state who locked arms and marched down Boulevard Voltaire in Paris. Nor did they join a companion march the French Embassy organized in Washington on Sunday afternoon.

Indeed, Obama’s public reactions to the attacks in Paris last week have been muted. His initial response Wednesday to the killing of 12 people at the Charlie Hebdo newspaper offices was delivered as he sat calmly in an armchair in the Oval Office speaking about the “cowardly” acts and defending freedom of the press. Two days later, as a gunman took hostages and went on to kill four people in a kosher grocery, Obama took a few seconds away from a community college proposal roll-out in Tennessee because he said with events unfolding, “I wanted to make sure to comment on them” — but never then or afterward specifically condemned that attack.

Obama wasn’t far from the march in D.C. on Sunday that wended silently along six blocks from the Newseum to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial. Instead, he spent the chilly afternoon a few blocks away at the White House, with no public schedule, no outings.

Joe Biden was back home in Wilmington, Delaware.
Neither they nor any high-level administration official attended either event.

France’s top American diplomat, diplomatically, tried to make the best of it.

“Thank you to Victoria Nuland, assistant secretary at the Department of State, who has represented the U.S. Authorities at the demonstration in DC. A friend,” Ambassador Gérard Araud tweeted Sunday evening, as criticism of the administration mounted.

And though it’s symbolism—Obama made several statements last week condemning the terror, and the government has been supporting French efforts throughout—the symbolism has caught a lot of attention.

“I wish our US President had gone to Paris to stand with our European allies,” tweeted James Stavridis, the retired Navy admiral and current dean of Tufts University’s Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy.

“It’s stunning, truly stunning,” said Aaron David Miller, who among other responsibilities during his time at the State Department under both Republicans and Democrats, helped deliberate over which officials to send to which events. “It’s a poster child for tone deafness.”...
It's literally unforgivable. I'm ashamed for my country, for the American people, who are without representation at a time like this. Victoria Nuland just doesn't cut it.

Not a "profiles in courage" moment, to put it mildly.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Spectacular Photography from Unity Rally in Paris


At BuzzFeed, "Paris Anti-Terror Demonstration Is the Biggest March In French History."

One Kumbaya March Can't Stop Islamism or Cleanse Europe of Muslim Jew-Hatred


Jonathan Tobin harshes the left's mellow, at Commentary:
The spectacle of more than a million people taking to the streets of Paris in protest against the attacks against the massacres at Charlie Hebdo and a kosher market is in and of itself a good thing. The condemnations of Islamist terror from a broad cross-section of French society and the willingness of many world leaders, including some from Arab and Muslim nations, to take part in the event is encouraging to those who have noted with dismay not only the assault on free speech but also the many attacks on Jews in Europe in recent years. This has led some to express the hope that the march will mark a turning point in the struggle against Islamist terror and anti-Semitism in which a unified European continent will somehow reject hatred. But while it would be wrong to react to what is being portrayed by the cable and broadcast networks as a transcendent kumbaya moment with pure cynicism, it is important that no one should think a march can by itself undo the wide support that is given Islamist ideology in the Arab world. Nor should we confuse bromidic statements by leaders with policies that will end the delegitimization of Israel and the Jews...
Keep reading.

Oh My! Melissa Harris-Perry Dumbstruck as Jewish Forward Editor J.J. Goldberg Goes Off MSNBC Script on French Anti-Semitism

OMG this is too delectable!

At Pajamas, "Liberal Schools MSNBC News Host on Radical Islamism":
When Melissa Harris-Perry’s producers invited J.J. Goldberg on to speak about the Jewish community in France, they were probably expecting textbook politically correct responses from the editor at large of America’s largest left-wing Jewish newspaper, the Forward. Which is why it’s so funny to watch Harris-Perry attempt not to balk at Goldberg’s frank candor on the radical Islamist roots of anti-Semitism in France. “The anti-Semitism problem in France is not primarily a problem of anti-Semitism from French Muslims,” she rushes to clarify at 2:32. “There is a problem of anti-Semitism there, but it is not primarily a problem of Muslim versus Jewish populations there, but rather a question of – sort of — French citizens in the broadest sense.”

“Um, I don’t think so,” Goldberg begins before detailing in brief France’s dance with anti-Semitism over the past century, noting that the incidents happening now are “happening from the Muslim community.” He then rattles off a series of French leaders who are Jewish and have established bonds with the Israeli Jewish community. “The integration of Jews into France and the acceptance of Jews in France is very, very thorough,” he explains. He ends his segment by noting that 70% of Jews in France today have come from Sephardic countries of origin where they have experienced “tension with their Arab neighbors”.

Harris-Perry attempts to interrupt his scholarly explanation twice before giving in and going to the commercial break...
It's just a special --- and I do mean special --- little world of denial for the dolts at MSNBC.
